青澀的英文 青澀用英語怎麼說?
pure adj.純粹的;不攙雜質的;純淨的;純潔的;潔淨的;完全的;貞潔的;十足的;清白的;純一的
unsophisticated adj.不懂世故的;質樸的;簡單的;不復雜的;基本的;不精密的
常用 權威
1. 這就是那我們那洋溢青澀的夏天。
That is it that we have a summer filled with Qingse.
2. 現在,你就像一顆青澀的無花果,
You stand before me as a green fig.
3. 那是多年前的我,年輕而青澀。
It was me from many years ago, fresh faced and young.
4. 從青澀純真,到明豔風情,再到成熟韻味。
A juvenile outfit, an intermediate getup, and a terminal look.
5. 道奇認為奧立佛還太青澀,去做一個好扒手.
Dodger thinks Oliver is too green to be a good pickpocket.
6. 人生盛年是處於青澀
The prime of life is that fleeting time between green and overripe.
7. 青澀的: 品嚐術語,指缺乏成熟度, 尤其指紅酒.
Green: Tasting term indicating a lack of ripeness, particular in red wine.
8. 青春就像一隻容器,裝滿了不安、躁動、青澀、與偶爾的瘋狂。
Youth is like a container, filled with anxiety, restlessness, sentimental, and occasionally crazy.
9. 李奧納多當年好青澀好帥啊,現在太滄桑了,歲月真的是殺豬刀。
Leonardo DiCaprio was so young and handsome back then, now he has changed a lot. The passing of years is truly a tragedy.
10. 我任職的公司成功地把一個還行的工程師變成了一個青澀的經理人。
The company I worked for successfully turned a reasonable engineer into a poor project manager!
青澀是一個漢語詞彙,讀音為qīng sè,原指果實尚未成熟,現在多用來形容人不成熟。同時也形容人未經歷世事,簡單純潔的樣子。現在詞義擴大了,很多人會用來形容涉世未深,年輕,純潔的少女 。(用來形容男孩也可以)。
形詞 (of fruit) unripe
形詞 (of young people) natural; pure; unsophisticated