淡綠色的英文 淡綠色用英語怎麼說?
viridescence n.淡綠色
pea green n.青豆綠;黃綠色
常用 重點詞彙
1. 大家能看到,我的牆是淡綠色的。
You can kind of see, on the walls are this light green.
2. 那幅畫鑲在一個淡綠色的鏡框裡。
The painting was enclosed in a light green frame.
3. 外觀性質:淡綠色或淡黃綠色結晶。
Appearance : light green or yellowish-green crystal.
4. 那些有小斑點的葉子是淡綠色澤的.
The punctate leaves were of a light green hue.
5. 這些卵是淡綠色月形天蠶蛾的。
These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth.
6. 這時可以看出那種東西是淡綠色的.
It was then observable that the substance was greenish.
7. 羅斯喜歡那條淡綠色的裙子。
Rose likes the light green skirt.
8. 白菜實際上是淡綠色的.
White cabbage is really alike a light green, Cabbages are also.
9. 疣突淡綠色,形成8-13個一組的螺旋。
Tubercles light green organised in 8 and 13 spirals;
10. 誰的眼鏡是淡綠色的?
Whose glasses are the light green?
ondine; viridescence; pea green