毀滅性的英文 毀滅性用英語怎麼說?
truculency n.致命性; 好鬥; 毀滅性; 野蠻
1. 毀滅性戰爭
destructive war
2. 毀滅性地震
ruinous earthquake
3. 造成毀滅性損失
cause a ruinous loss
4. 大規模毀滅性武器
weapons of mass destruction;weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
5. 給以毀滅性打擊
deal a crushing blow
1. 太多的快樂可能是毀滅性的。
Too much happiness can be destructive.
2. 當它被放大到毀滅性的程度。
When it is magnified to a ruinous degree.
3. 這是一次毀滅性的經歷。
It is a devastating experience.
4. 毀滅性洪水留下的廢墟。
Ruins left by devastating floods.
5. 去年夏天這一地區遭受了毀滅性的洪水襲擊。
Last summer the region was struck by devastating floods.
6. 這訊息對劇組是個毀滅性的打擊。
The news came as a crushing blow to the cast.
7. 對任何企圖先發制人的毀滅性報復。
Damaging retaliation for any attempt at pre-emption.
8. 時至今日,這種毀滅性疾病仍然無法預防。
Until now this devastating disease has been unpreventable.
9. 人類造成的毀滅性破壞。
The ravages committed by man.
10. 毀滅性核大戰,核決戰。
Nuclear Armageddon.