有計劃的英文 有計劃用英語怎麼說?
be in a planned way; have plans (to do sth)
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 有計劃進行
proceed step by step
2. 有計劃商品經濟
planned commodity economy
3. 有計劃市場經濟
planned market economy
1. 對權勢者的有計劃邀寵行為。
[in sing.]a systematic bias in favour of the powerful.
2. 有計劃在市中心建一個新的購物中心。
There are plans to build a new mall in the middle of town.
3. 你是否有計劃要對酒店進行改造?
Are you planning any major renovations?
4. 有計劃地與朋友或家人一起出門。
Make plans to go out with friends or family.
5. 最近的選舉已經把有計劃放入議題。
The recent elections have put the plans in question.
6. 有計劃開發更具安全效能的產品嗎?
Are there designs being developed with more safety features?
7. 你們有計劃推出地圖編輯器嗎?
Do you plan on creating some map editor for D3?
8. 謝謝, 但不巧的是我已經有計劃了.
Thanks, but unfortunately we already have plans.
9. 有計劃為薩滿等職業改動裝備掉落嗎?
There are plans for career changes, such as equipment shaman drop it ?
10. 有計劃而不實施者永遠不能取得成功.
Someone who has plans that never seem to get to first base.
動詞 be in a planned way; have plans (to do sth)
1. 有計劃的犯罪
planned crime
2. 有計劃地發展國民經濟
develop the national economy in a planned way
3. 有計劃進行
proceed step by step
be in a planned way; have plans (to do sth)