迷離的英文 迷離用英語怎麼說?
blurred adj.模糊不清的;記不清的
misted v.(使)蒙上薄霧;(mist的過去分詞)
常用 權威
1. 迷離恍惚
be in a stupor
2. 睡眼迷離
eyes dim with sleep
3. 迷離惝恍
blurred; confused and flurried; misted
4. 撲朔迷離的故事情節
complicated plot of a story
1. 案情變得愈發撲朔迷離。
The case has become more intricate.
2. 她淚眼迷離。
Her eyes were blurred with tears.
3. 第一年的結果使形勢變得撲朔迷離而不是明朗了。
The first year's results muddy rather than clarify the situation.
4. 下院議員們的愚笨使已經錯綜複雜的生活更加撲朔迷離。
The loopiness of the Commons adds to life's rich tapestry.
5. 我無法找出迷宮中撲朔迷離的路線.
I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.
6. 你迷離的眼睛緊扣愛人的心絃。
Your wandering eyes pull at your lover’s heartstrings.
7. 迷離通達道路的,必住在陰魂的會中.
The wanderer from the way of knowledge will have his resting - place among the shades.
8. 你與我同在麼?在這樣一個迷離的世界?
Are you with me? In this blurred world?
9. 在我們做迷離的影象,調整照亮的混和。
On the image we just did the blur on , adjust the blending to lighten.
10. 請你不要用那樣迷離的眼神可憐巴巴的看著我。
Please do not use as blurred eyes of looked at me piteously .
形詞 blurred; misted
1. 她淚眼迷離。
Her eyes were blurred with tears.
2. 睡眼迷離
eyes dim with sleep
3. 迷離恍惚
be in a stupor