團隊意識的英文 團隊意識用英語怎麼說?
team spirit n.團隊精神;合作精神;團結精神
sense of community 社群感;社群意識;共同體意識
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這有助於培養更強的團隊意識。
It helps to foster a stronger sense of teamwork.
2. 我有較強的責任感及團隊意識。
I have a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit.
3. 具有團隊意識和一定的組織協調能力。
With a sense of teamwork and coordination skill.
4. 有團隊意識,心胸開闊,性格開朗,心理健康,善於溝通;
Team awareness, open-minded, cheerful personality, mental health, good communication skills;
5. 丹:該幹什麼就幹什麼,聚精會神,讓他們看看你的團隊意識。
D: Well, doing what you always do. Focus on your work, show them you are a team player.
6. 相信幹部們在歡樂刺激中,增進了友誼和交流,加強了團隊意識。
I believe that our friendship and communion will be promoted and our team work consciousness will be strengthened through these joyful and exciting games.
7. 性格:自信,有責任心和上進心,做事認真,有創新精神,團隊意識強。
Character: confident, responsible, active, careful , innovative, sense of teem-work.
8. 具有良好的團隊意識和協作精神,工作認真,吃苦耐勞,性格外向,善於與人溝通;
With a strong sense of teamwork and coordination, hard work , outgoing character and good communication skill.
9. jQuery 核心團隊意識到該外掛的重要性,從而將其包含到 1.3 釋出版中。
The jQuery core team agreed so much in the importance of this plug-in that they incorporated it into their 1.3 release.
10. 公司內部形成了積極向上, 力爭上游, 注重團隊意識,擁有強烈事業心的企業文化.
The company formed a positive and upward , upward, team - oriented sense of professionalism with strong corporate culture.
team spirit; team awareness; sense of community