不堪一擊的英文 不堪一擊用英語怎麼說?
cannot withstand just a single blow; will collapse at the first blow; too weak to withstand competition; very vulnerable
常用 重點詞彙
1. 當你情緒低落、不堪一擊時,你更需要的是一個關心愛護你的人。
When you're emotionally vulnerable, you're even more in need of a caring human being.
2. 敵人已是強弩之末,不堪一擊。
The enemy troops were exhausted and couldn’t withstand a single blow.
3. 他們七拼八湊的聯盟是不堪一擊的。
The alliance they rigged up will collapse at the first blow.
4. 這不是深入討論的時候—— 她筋疲力盡,不堪一擊。
This was not the time for a deep discussion — she was tired and she would be worsted.
5. 愛的無限威力在於愛的不堪一擊。
The omnipotence of love is its impotence.
6. 他們的自信就像雞蛋一樣不堪一擊。
Their self-confidence is *fragile like an egg,” said Wu.
7. 因此,市場看來仍然不堪一擊。
As a result, the markets look vulnerable to a setback.
8. 我們生活在一個不堪一擊的世界裡 。
We live in a fragile world.
9. 其基督教軍隊貿易不堪一擊。
But its Christian armies looked easy to defeat.
10. 這些土匪是一群烏合之眾,不堪一擊。
These bandits are just a disorderly mob and will collapse at the first blow.
不堪一擊,漢語成語,拼音是bù kān yī jī,意思是表示形容力量薄弱,經不起一擊的意思。也形容論點不嚴密,經不起反駁的意思。出自毛澤東《蘇聯利益和人民利益的一致》。
cannot withstand just a single blow; will collapse at the first blow; too weak to withstand competition; very vulnerable