廣泛流傳的英文 廣泛流傳用英語怎麼說?
from mouth to mouth
常用 重點詞彙
1. 廣泛流傳吸水性強的毛巾
From mouth to mouth a thirsty towel
2. 這是一個廣泛流傳的誤解。
This is very widespread.
3. 這在新世紀圈子中都已廣泛流傳.
It has gained widespread notoriety in New Age circles.
4. 這個故事在中國各地廣泛流傳,並在流傳中發生了或大或小的變異。
This story is in China everyplace extensive spread, and in spread occurrence or big or small variation.
5. 這個傳奇故事依然在民間廣泛流傳.
This legend still spreads abroad among the people.
6. 印刷業大大地幫助了書籍的廣泛流傳。
Printing aided enormously in making books generally available.
7. 遺作經季會明等整理成書,廣泛流傳。
The works by the Ming quarter will be collated into a book, widely circulated.
8. 好多諺語已經成為民間廣泛流傳的箴言.
Proverbs are apothegms that have become familiar sayings.
9. 它的廣泛流傳,更得益於那如此美妙、吉祥的曲名.
Such beautiful and auspicious tunes HELP to account for the popularity of this instrument.
10. 它的廣泛流傳,更得益於那如此美妙、吉祥的曲名。
Such beautiful and auspicious tunes help to account for the popularity of this instrument.
from mouth to mouth