發表文章的英文 發表文章用英語怎麼說?
publish an article
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我那時還很年輕,發表文章對我很重要。
At that time I was very young, so publishing was very important to me.
2. 耽誤了出刊,你就別想再在這個雜誌上發表文章了。管理好自己的時間。
If you want to see your article published, and if you want to want to work for the same magazine again, make sure you meet your deadline.
3. 她說到了寫過的文章和發表文章取得的巨大成功,但是大多數的情況是:我沒用向他們收取任何酬金。
She told of the articles and the publishing successes that she experienced but so many of them were punctuated by, I didn't get paid for that.
4. 首要的就是發表文章,而且是在匿名審稿的雜誌上.
Your focus should be on getting papers published in refereed journals.
5. 如果你也想在本站發表文章,看看這裡的指南說明。
If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
6. 我還在一些群體部落格上發表文章,討論一些有趣的話題。
I'm also managing to post on some group blogs to collaborate on interesting topics.
7. 在音訊資訊處理及多媒體資訊保安領域發表文章30餘篇。
His research is focused on audio information processing and multimedia security and he has published more than 30 articles in these fields.
8. 寫檔案 、 作報告 、 發表文章, 都是為了解決問題.
Writing paper, make a report, published articles, are to solve the problem.
9. 他陷入為能在最為抽象出版物發表文章而濫用遷就讀者的英文之中。
He was left to accord the most abstract publications access to his accommodating abuse of the English language.
10. 然而,報告指出研究發表文章數目的增長並不一定意味著質量的增加。
However the report points out that a growing volume of research publications does not necessarily mean in increase in quality.
express; issue; publish; deliver
essay; article; literary works; writings; hidden meaning; implication; way (of doing sth); elbow room