傳達資訊的英文 傳達資訊用英語怎麼說?
convey a message
常用 重點詞彙
1. 用書面的方式表達想法,傳達資訊
Using the written word to express ideas and convey information;
2. 用正確的肢體語言幫助傳達資訊.
Use the right body language to get your message across.
3. 此機制也將定期向企業傳達資訊。
The system will also ( ) information to enterprises regularly.
4. 也指傳達資訊。
Also means to communicate a message.
5. 回過頭來看,我們在傳達資訊方面本應做得更好。
'In retrospect, we could have done a better job of communicating our message.'
6. 多數演講者只是簡單地傳達資訊,喬布斯的演講卻能點燃激情。
Well, most presenter simply convey information, Jobs inspires.
7. 隨著交易的發展和通訊工具的改進,越來越多的人利用傳達者來傳達資訊
Along with the development of trades and the improvement of communication devices, more and more people are using messenger to deliver information.
8. 是指那些能儲存或者傳達資訊的東西嗎?
Is it just anything that stores and communicates information?
9. 這可能表明,發生的變化只是當人們傳達資訊時,不知不覺地這樣做。
This could suggest that the variation happens just when people are conveying a message, and so it's done, unwittingly, for effect.
10. 色彩既是傳達資訊的手段,又是情緒的語言.
Tinct is both the means of conveying information and the language of emotion.
pass on; transmit; communicate; convey; reception and registration of callers at a public establishment; caretaker; janitor
information; news; message