小點心的英文 小點心用英語怎麼說?
munchies n.快餐;飢餓感
biscuit n.餅乾;家常小甜餅;陶瓷素燒坯;淡褐色;灰黃色;軟烤小圓餅;小木片;木榫
常用 重點詞彙
1. 如果你的孩子臨睡前吵著要吃些小點心,不妨給他一根香蕉,再配上兩茶匙的花生醬。
If your children get the munchies before calling it a day, try a banana with two teaspoons of peanut butter.
2. 在午餐和晚些時候的晚餐之間,有一份小點心
In between the midday meal and a late, smaller dinner came a small snack.
3. 這些小點心吃起來象舊襪子
These hors d ' oeuvres taste like old socks
4. 小點心或任何甜食對承憲都很好。
Snacks and anything sweet will be very good for SH.
5. 有免費的小點心吃。
Complimentary light refreshments will be available.
6. 它不會把時間都浪費在追逐這些小點心身上。
He's not gonna waste his time chasing those hors d'oeuvres.
7. 做一些小點心或巧克力餅乾,並與鄰居分享。
Bake cookies or brownies and share with a neighbor.
8. 孩子們一邊吃小點心,一邊仔細觀察這些面孔.
The kids studied them as they bit into the sweets.
9. 事後她解釋說那樣做的原因是沒人給她提供小點心。
She said the reason she did it was that no one offered her any refreshments.
10. 康沃爾餡餅 ( 以肉和菜為餡做成的小點心 ).
Cornish pasty ( small pie consisting of pastry filled with meat and vegetables )
munchies; biscuit; cocktail snack