
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  關於簡短的英語故事:Destruction of Iraq

  It's a big country, but still, how can anything be left of Iraq? When you look at the news on TV, all you see is one explosion after another. Helicopters falling from the sky, and vehicles flying into the sky. Suicide bombers committing homicide, and two deeply religious sects going at each other's throats.

  Iraqis are leaving the country as fast as they can, while terrorists are entering as fast as they can. About 30,000 Iraqi civilians are getting killed each year, while 2 million Iraqis have left their country since 2003. The US government, which has caused most of this suffering, has not welcomed these Iraqi refugees into the USA. Less than 800 Iraqis have been allowed to enter this country since the war began four years ago. What is the reason for this small number? The Iraqi people are our friends.

  The US government tried to rescue Iraqis from Saddam Hussein and bring them democracy. Now there is no Saddam, but also there is no democracy. In the future, there might even be no Iraq. Many people worldwide, and many Iraqis, think that Iraq was better off before Bush and Cheneydecided to "help."

  關於簡短的英語故事:Not a Good Principal

  Tina was going back to school for her third master’s degree. She was a Special Education teacher, but she couldn’t take her job anymore, so she had quit. The kids were out of control. There were too many of them in one classroom for her to manage effectively. The school administration ignored her pleas to add teacher assistants. They ignored her complaints that some of the kids were simply little monsters. They were discipline problems that other teachers had shunted off to Special Education.

  The administration didn’t even respond to her complaint that one oversized young student had pushed her down one day onto the floor. Tina wanted to call the police, but the school principal talked her out of it with promises to improve things. Two weeks later, not one promise had been fulfilled.

  Tina angrily visited the principal, who told her that if she didn’t have the patience to wait for things to improve, maybe she wasn’t cut out to be a teacher.

  “How dare you! The issue is not whether I’m cut out to be a teacher,” she angrily replied. “I am a teacher, and a damn good one. But no teacher can get along forever with inadequate supplies, with overcrowded classrooms, with students who are dumped into her class, and with students who attack her. And especially,” she growled, “with idiots like you in charge who continually ignore the needs of Special Education students and teachers.”

  關於簡短的英語故事:Paris Goes to Jail in LA

  The biggest news in the whole world occurred two weeks ago when Paris Hilton was sentenced to 23 days in a Los Angeles jail. The heiress to the Hilton hotel fortune, who was a favorite of the paparazzi, had been cited for driving on a suspended license, among other things.

  When the judge decided that she must go to jail, people everywhere voiced their approval ordisapproval. The news was on the radio, TV, and the Internet. Why her situation was such worldwide news mystified almost everyone. After all, her only known value to society thus far had been her ability to party with one boyfriend after another, one week after another. As many said, she was famous for being famous—nothing more.

  When she finally went to jail, there must have been 100 photographers taking pictures of her. At first, the jail officials put her in a private cell, but her claustrophobia caused her to have panic attacks. They released her the next day. The following day, however, the judge ordered her back to jail to finish her sentence.

  The sheriff said she was treated like all the other prisoners. She ate baloney sandwiches and othernutritious food, just like the others. When she finally was released from jail, at 12:01 a.m. on a Tuesday night, dozens of photographers again congregated around her to snap the “perfect” photo. She spent the first day relaxing—and recovering—at home in her parents’ mansion.

  Then she went on the Larry King radio show and talked about her experience. She hadn’t liked being in jail, she said, but it had turned her life around. She had found God, and now she was going to do all she could to help needy people improve their lives.

  關於簡短的英語故事:Let’s Buy Some Paint

  “Let’s go to Wal-Mart,” Elizabeth told Kenneth. She wanted to buy some paint supplies. He suggested that they go to Home Depot instead because employees there could tell them exactly what to buy. After arriving there, Elizabeth found a friendly looking worker who was momentarily free.

  “Excuse me,” she said. “Could you help us?” She explained that she wanted to paint her office. “Neither me nor my husband knows how to do it, so please tell us the basics,” she added. He smiled and told her that it was simple. All they needed were two gallons of white glossy paint, a roller, a tray and an insert to pour the paint in, and an extension-handle to reach the high parts of each wall.

  “Don’t we need primer?” Kenneth asked.

  “Oh, yes, of course. I was getting to that. If you don’t put primer on first, the paint won’t stick to the walls. Here are two gallons of good, but inexpensive, primer. And a brush would be a good idea for use in the corners and edges. And that should take care of it. Just put the primer on first. Let it dry for a couple of hours. Then put on one coat of paint. Let it dry. Then, if you want to, put on another coat, but it shouldn’t be necessary.”

  As they were putting the items into the trunk, Kenneth told her they should buy a ladder, too. “We’re going to have to use the brush to paint up near the ceiling. The roller won’t do in a corner,” Kenneth said.

  “We don’t need a stepladder. I can sit on your shoulders,” Elizabeth laughed. They went back inside and bought a stepladder.

