
General 更新 2025-03-12


1,AAA ,美國會計學會 2,Abacus,《算盤》雜誌 3,abacus ,算盤 4,Abandonment," 廢棄 , 報 廢;委付" 5,abandonment value ,廢 棄價值 6,abatement, ①減免②衝 銷 7,ability to service debt ,償債能力 8,abnormal cost ,異常成 本 9,abnormal spoilage ,異 常損耗 10,above par , 超過票面 價值 11,above the line, 線上 項目 12,absolute amount ,"絕 對數,絕對金額" 13,absolute endorsement ,絕對背書 14,absolute insolvency , 絕對無力償付 15,absolute priority , 絕對優先求償權 16,absolute value ,絕對 值 17,absorb ,"攤配,轉並" 18,absorption account ,"攤配賬戶,轉並 賬戶" 19,absorption costing , 攤配成本計算法 20,abstract ,摘要表 21,abuse ,濫用職權 22,abuse of tax shelter , 濫用避稅項目 23,ACCA, 特許公認會計師 公會 24,accelerated cost recovery system ,加速成 本收回制度 25,accelerated depreciation method ," 加速折舊法,快速折舊法" 26,acceleration clause ," 加速償付條款 , 提前償付條款" 27,acceptance, ①承兌② 已承兌票據③驗收 28,acceptance bill , 承 兌票據 29,acceptance register , 承兌票據登記簿 30,acceptance sampling, 驗收抽樣 31,access time , 存取時 間 32,accommodation ,融通 33,accommodation bill , 融通票據 34,accommodation endorsement ,融通背書 35,account," ① 賬 戶 , 會 計科目②賬簿 , 報表③賬 目,賬項④記賬" 36,accountability ," 經 營責任,會計責任" 37,accountability unit , 責任單位 38,Accountancy ,《會計》 雜誌 39,accountancy ,會計 40,accountant ,"會計員, 會計師" 41,accountant general ,"會計主任,總會 計" 42,accounting in charge , 主管會計師 43,"accountant,s legal liability ", 會計師的法 律責任 44,"accountant,s report ",會計師報告 45,"accountant,s responsibility ",會計師 職責 46,account form ," 賬戶 式,賬式" 47,accounting, ①會計② ......

請問增值稅中的 銷項稅和進項稅的英文怎麼說?

進項稅 input VAT

銷項稅 output VAT

流動資產 Current assets

貨幣資金 Cash and cash equivalents

現金 Cash

銀行存款 Cash in bank

其他貨幣資金 Other cash and cash equivalents

外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank

銀行本票 Cashier's cheque

銀行匯票 Bank draft

信用卡 Credit card

信用證保證金 L/C Guarantee deposits

存出投資款 Refundable deposits

短期投資 Short-term investments

股票 Short-term investments - stock

債券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds

基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds

其他 Short-term investments - other

短期投資跌價準備 Short-term investments falling price reserves

應收款 Account receivable

應收票據 Note receivable

銀行承兌匯票 Bank acceptance

商業承兌匯票 Trade acceptance

應收股利 Dividend receivable

應收利息 Interest receivable

應收賬款 Account receivable

其他應收款 Other notes receivable

壞賬準備 Bad debt reserves

預付賬款 Advance money

應收補貼款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable

庫存資產 Inventories

物資採購 Supplies purchasing

原材料 Raw materials

包裝物 Wrappage

低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods

材料成本差異 Materials cost variance

自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods

庫存商品 Finished goods

商品進銷差價 Differences between purchasing and selling price

委託加工物資 Work in process - outsourced

委託代銷商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

受託代銷商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

存貨跌價準備 Inventory falling price reserves

分期收款發出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages

待攤費用 Deferred and prepaid expenses

長期投資 Long-term investment

長期股權投資 Long-term investment on stocks ......




馬刺 !!!!!!!!!!!




短期借款Short-term borrowing

應付賬款Accounts payable

預計負債Projected liabilities

預付賬款Prepaid Accounts

AAA 美國會計學會

Abacus 《算盤》雜誌

abacus 算盤

Abandonment 廢棄,報廢;委付

abandonment value 廢棄價值

abatement ①減免②沖銷

ability to service debt 償債能力

abnormal cost 異常成本

abnormal spoilage 異常損耗

above par 超過票面價值

above the line 線上項目

absolute amount 絕對數,絕對金額

absolute endorsement 絕對背書

absolute insolvency 絕對無力償付

absolute priority 絕對優先求償權

absolute value 絕對值

absorb 攤配,轉並

absorption account 攤配賬戶,轉並賬戶

absorption costing 攤配成本計算法

abstract 摘要表

abuse 濫用職權

abuse of tax shelter 濫用避稅項目

ACCA 特許公認會計師公會

accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本收回制度

accelerated depreciation method 加速折舊法,快速折舊法

acceleration clause 加速償付條款,提前償付條款

acceptance ①承兌②已承兌票據③驗收

acceptance bill 承兌票據

acceptance register 承兌票據登記簿

acceptance sampling 驗收抽樣

access time 存取時間

accommodation 融通

accommodation bill 融通票據

accommodation endorsement 融通背書

account ①賬戶,會計科目②賬簿,報表③賬目,賬項④記賬

accountability 經營責任,會計責任

accountability unit 責任單位

Accountancy 《會計》雜誌

accountancy 會計

accountant 會計員,會計師

accountant general 會計主任,總會計

accounting in charge 主管會計師

accountant,s legal liability 會計師的法律責任

accountant,s report 會計師報告

accountant,s responsibility 會計師職責

account form 賬戶式,賬式

accounting ①會計②會計學

accounting assumption 會計假定,會計假設

accounting basis 會計基準,會計基本方法

accounting changes 會計變更

accounting concept 會計概念

accounting control 會計控制

accounting conventio......



英語翻譯,緊急求助 200分



付款管理辦法 英語翻譯 20分

Payment management approach

To standardize the management of the company payments, special formulation of these measures.

One, the norms of payment methods including payment of the purchase price (including taxes, the same below), sales refund, and pay the cost, not including the "claims management approach" provides reimbursement payments and fixed assets, the purchase of Low-Value Consumable Articles approval.

2, approving payment of the purchase price

One, the purchase price paid by the department for approval under the purchase contract (agreement) loss "payment for single" (one-third), and will complete the project added.

2, import, domestic trade business approval:

A department by the applicants and responsible departments signed by the Finance Action audit and finance manager after signing any single payment in the following two million yuan by the departments in charge of leading applications for approval; Single payment in the amount of more than 2 million yuan (200 million) approval by the company's general manager.

B, before T / T approach (including some former T / T) clearing import payments, approval by the general manager.

C, in full after T / T size regardless of the amount of applications by departments in charge of leadership for approval.

D, the agency in the first after the resumption of import duties and taxes paid by the applicants to pay department staff and departments responsible for signature by the Finan......
