機會的英文 機會用英語怎麼說?
chance n.可能性;偶然;巧合;機會;機緣;天意
opportunity n.機會
occasion n.時刻;場合;理由;原因;儀式;慶典;重大場合;適當時機
常用 權威
1. 機會均等
equal opportunity;equal opportunities; equality of opportunity
2. 進球機會
scoring opportunity
3. 尋找機會
seek an opportunity
4. 機會主義
5. 就業機會
career/job/employment opportunity
6. 碰機會
take a chance
7. 毫無機會
have no chance at all
8. 企望機會
hope for a chance
9. 生存機會
chance of survival
10. 貿易機會
trade access; trade opportunity
11. 創造機會
create opportunities
12. 大好機會
big chance
13. 投資機會
investment opportunity
14. 珍視機會
prize opportunities
15. 進修機會
opportunity for further study
16. 得分機會
scoring chance;scoring opportunity
17. 從業機會
employment opportunities; job openings
18. 右傾機會主義
right opportunism
19. 左傾機會主義
‘Left' opportunism
20. 放棄發言機會
yield the floor (to sb)
1. 接管日為年輕人提供了這個機會。
Takeover Day offers young people this chance.
2. 你可能有機會發現生活的真正美。
You may have a chance to find the real beauty of life.
3. 它們為各種背景的人提供了機會。
They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds.
4. 高增長率增加了學術創新的機會。
High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation.
5. 許多中國人接觸英語的機會有限。
Many people in China have limited exposure to English.
6. 從這個角度看,內疚是一次機會。
Viewed in this light, guilt is an opportunity.
7. 它為富人提供了一個機會的階梯。
It provides a ladder of opportunity for the wealthy.
8. 他們跟隨機會的召喚,來去自由。
They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them.
9. 他們的文化將失去復興的機會。
Their culture will lose a chance of revival.
10. 懷特小姐很高興她會抓住這個機會。
Miss White was glad that she would take the chance.
機會(Chance),拼音為 jī huì,漢語詞語,意思是恰好的時候,也指時機。
霹靂布袋戲虛擬人物。 幽界魔僕之一,在幽界具特殊地位,即便是君臨黑帝也要對其敬畏三分。與魔僕運命謹守天職,全力協助魔主在進入衰退期時,以特殊方法吸收人間罪業,以維持三繭之魔源,藉此度過衰退期。
名詞 chance; opportunity; occasion
1. 只要有機會就要抓住。
Seize every chance.
2. 請一有機會就給我打電話。
Please call me at the first/earliest opportunity.
3. 那出戏給了她一展才華的好機會。
The play was an excellent vehicle for her talents.
4. 機會很小。
The chance is very slim.
5. 千載難逢的機會
golden opportunity; once-in-a-lifetime chance
6. 就業機會
employment/job opportunity
7. 進修機會
opportunity for further study
8. 得分機會
scoring chance
9. 大好機會
big chance
10. 抓住機會
grasp/seize an opportunity; grab/take a chance
11. 尋找機會
seek an opportunity
12. 提供機會
afford/offer/provide/present a chance
13. 利用機會
use/utilize/take an opportunity
14. 浪費機會
squander a chance; waste an opportunity
15. 藉此機會
take the opportunity (to do sth); avail oneself of the opportunity (to do sth)
16. 毫無機會
have no chance at all
17. 高興有機會
enjoy/relish/welcome the chance (to do sth)
18. 放棄機會
give up/forgo an opportunity; throw away/turn down a chance
19. 等待機會
wait for/await one's opportunity
20. 得到/有機會
get/have an opportunity
21. 開啟機會之門
create a window of opportunity (to do sth)
22. 錯過機會
miss/pass/lose a chance; let an opportunity slip by
23. 創造機會
make/create an opportunity (of doing/to do sth); make/creat a chance
24. 一點機會
an element of chance; half a chance