喝水的英文 喝水用英語怎麼說?
drink water 喝水;飲水
1. 一天,鹿沒有來湖邊喝水。
One day deer did not come to the lake to drink water.
2. 其他人質疑這個規則,說應該允許喝水。
Others question this rule, saying that drinking water should be allowed.
3. 你可以透過喝水讓你的味蕾重新活躍起來。
You can make your taste buds active again by drinking water.
4. 其他的和奶牛一起喝水。
Others drink water with the cows.
5. 為了防止頭痛,請多喝水,避免喝酒和咖啡。
To help prevent headaches, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and coffee.
6. 他們必須一直喝水。
They must drink water all the time.
7. 它的駝峰裡儲存著食物,可以連續幾天不喝水。
It stores food in its hump (駝峰) and can go for days without water.
8. 口乾可能會降低味覺敏感度,但喝水可恢復味覺。
A dry mouth may reduce taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids.
9. 多喝水和牛奶。
Drink water and milk more often.
10. 它們最近受到了抨擊,因為大多數人不需要用它們喝水。
They've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with.
喝水是指生命體透過口腔攝入水以補充自身細胞內水份。 喝水是生命體新陳代謝的重要一環,也是補充生命體和植物微量元素的方式之一。