叫的英文 叫用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-22


cry v.哭泣;哭;流淚;叫喊;叫;喊道;大聲說出;急需;鳴;沿街叫賣

shout v.呼喊;喊叫;用…款待;請(人)喝;大聲說;叫嚷;怒斥;大聲吼叫使… 住口;明確無誤地指出;買飲料請客

scream v.尖叫;抗議;強烈要求;發出尖叫聲;尖叫著說;呼籲;尖聲叫道;告密;飛速運動;呼嘯著飛行

name n.名字;姓名;姓;名稱;名人;屬勞埃德保險社辛迪加的承保人;名聲;名譽;虛名;聲望

call v.呼喊;喊;叫;給(嬰兒;動物)取名;短暫拜訪;打電話給;叫做;名為;敦促;大聲說

summon v.傳召;鼓起;露出;迫切地要求;召集;使浮現;使想起

send for 召喚;派人去請;索取

hire v.租用;僱傭;出租;臨時(或短期)僱傭;打短工;受僱幹活

order n.次序;順序;命令;指令;社會等級;社會階級;階層;修道會;類;柱型;裝飾樣式;專用裝備;專用服裝;階

ask v.問;詢問;請求…做;要求… 給予;邀請;要價;索價;四處打聽;詢問…的健康;要求

permit v.允許;許可;准許;批准;允許有;使成為可能;使有可能;可能有

allow v.承認;允許;讓;給予;酌留;認為;考慮到;顧及;同意…做;准許…擁有

常用 權威



1. 叫號機

queue management system; numbering machine

2. 羊叫


3. 叫幾道菜

order some dishes

4. 叫出租車

call a taxi

5. 叫早電話

alarm call; wake-up call; morning call

6. 叫一些煤

send for some coal

7. 把他叫回來

call him back

8. 激動地情不自禁叫起來

shout beside oneself with excitement

9. 把所有的人都叫到身邊

summon everyone to one's side


1. 從前,有一個Zheng的人。

Once upon a time, there was a man called Zheng.

2. 是關於一個弗蘭基的真實的人。

It's about a real guy named Frankie.

3. 一個陌生人把我到他的小店裡。

A stranger called me into his little shop.

4. 相信我,大多數女人都討厭狼

And trust me, most women really hate wolf calls.

5. 老師男孩們背誦這首詩。

The teacher called up the boys to recite the poem.

6. 你的狗在,但你聽不見!

Your dog is barking, but you can't hear it!

7. 一個埃裡克的瑞典人發起了這場運動。

A Swedish man called Erik started the movement.

8. 另一個故事是關於一個諸葛亮的智者。

The other story is about a wise man named Zhuge Liang.

9. 在秦國,有一個人商鞅。

In the state of Qin (秦國 ), there was a man called Shang Yang (商鞅).

10. 我在看一部《弗蘭基》的諷刺類作品。

I'm watching great satire called Frankie.






動詞 cry; shout

1. 歇斯底里地大叫

scream hysterically

2. 疼得大叫

cry/call out in pain

3. 大叫一聲

cry out loudly; give a loud cry

動詞 (of animals) cry; scream

1. 蟋蟀在黑暗中叫個不停。

Crickets kept chirping in the dark.

2. 喜鵲在樹上喳喳叫。

A magpie chattered in the tree.

3. 我們聽到貓叫聲。

We heard the mew of a cat.

4. 青蛙/烏鴉呱呱叫。

Frogs/Ravens are croaking.

5. 雞在叫。

The rooster is crowing.

6. 羊叫


7. 驢叫


8. 狗叫


動詞 be called/known as; name

1. 這東西叫什麼?

What is this called?

2. 你叫什麼名字?

What's your name? / May I know your name?

3. 那真叫好!

That is really wonderful!

動詞 call; summon

1. 他有急事被人叫走了。

He was called away for something urgent.

2. 我去叫他。

I'll go and call him.

3. 把他叫回來

call him back

4. 叫警察/救護車/醫生

call the police/an ambulance/a doctor

動詞 send for; hire; order

1. 叫臺收割機收小麥

hire a reaper to harvest the wheat

2. 叫一些煤

send for some coal

3. 叫出租車

call a taxi

動詞 ask; order

1. 她叫我送送她。

She asked me to see her off.

2. 誰叫你來的?

Who told you to come? / Who sent you here?

3. 老師叫他注意拼寫。

The teacher called his attention to spelling.

4. 叫廚師去做飯

order the cook to prepare dinner

動詞 permit; allow

1. 是誰叫他們早走的?

Who permitted their leaving early?

介詞 [used in a passive sentence to introduce the doer of the action]

1. 他的錢包叫人搶了。

He was robbed of his wallet.

2. 別叫人笑話!

Don't make yourself a laughingstock! / Don't make a fool of yourself.

形詞 male (animal)

我真的好想你!用韓語怎麼說 ?