命運的英文 命運用英語怎麼說?
destiny n.不可避免要發生的事;註定了要發生的事;命運;天數
fate n.命中註定的事;命運的安排;天數;天命;命運三女神;命運;結局;結果
lot pron.許多;大量
future n.將來;未來;今後;期貨;前景;前途;未來將會(或可能會)發生的事;成功(或令人高興)的前景;將來時
常用 權威
1. 共命運
share a common fate
2. 左右命運
sway the destiny
3. 命運乖張
be unlucky in life
4. 嘲弄命運
scoff at fate;scoff at fate
5. 詛咒命運
curse at fate
6. 命運未卜
one's/sb's fate is still unknown
7. 支配命運
mould one's destiny
8. 預卜命運
prophesy fate
9. 改善命運
improve one's lot
10. 命運的玩偶
puppet of fate
11. 人類的命運
destiny of mankind
12. 不幸的命運
hapless fate;hapless fate
13. 悲慘的命運
heavy fate
14. 左右國家的命運
influence the national destiny
15. 受命運的擺佈
be controlled by one's fate
1. 將基因視為命運的觀點當然也是錯誤的。
The fixation on genes as destiny is surely false too.
2. 這對人類的命運至關重要。
It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind.
3. 對他來說,接受自己失明的命運是一回事。
For him, it was one thing to accept his own fate of being blind.
4. 它的命運尚未決定。
Its fate is yet to be decided.
5. 個性不是命運,而且大家都知道人可以學會改變。
Personality isn't destiny (命運) , and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change.
6. 這是我們的命運。
It is our deep destiny.
7. 糧食安全和命運取決於充足的雨水,在非洲尤其如此。
Food security and fortunes depend on sufficient rain, and nowhere more so than in Africa.
8. 數字永遠不會給一個人帶來好運,我們的命運掌握在自己手中。
Numbers can never bring good luck to a person at all and our fortune is in our own hands.
9. Wunderlist和Sunrise的命運就是大型科技公司無情運動的例子。
The fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech.
10. 她的父親Robin Williams斯於2014年去世,他渴望避免同樣的命運。
Her father, Robin Williams, who died in 2014, was keen to avoid the same fate.
命運,即宿命和運氣,是指事物由定數與變數組合進行的一種模式,命與運是兩個不同的概念。命為定數,指某個特定物件;運為變數,指時空轉化。命與運組合在一起,即是某個特定物件於時空轉化的過程。運氣一到,命運也隨之發生改變。 所謂命運,在命理學上來講,實際上有兩重含義,一是命,指先天所賦的本性;二曰運,指人生各階段的窮通變化。命論終生,運在一時,在八字論命法中,所謂運就是指大運,大運是人生中以十年為一期限的各個階段。八字的命局與運局,二者構成了八字理論的宏偉基石,展現了以時間為函式的人生曲線。
名詞 destiny; fate; lot
1. 不幸的命運
hapless fate
2. 受命運的擺佈
be controlled by one's fate
3. 共命運
cast/throw in one's lot (with sb); share the fate/lot (with sb)
4. 改善命運
improve one's lot
5. 嘲弄命運
scoff at fate
名詞 destiny; future; fate
1. 條約的命運仍然不明。
The fate of the treaty remains in doubt.
2. 左右國家的命運
influence the national destiny
3. 支配命運
mould one's destiny
4. 掌握命運
control one's own destiny; grasp one's destiny in one's own hands
5. 決定命運
decide/shape sb's destiny; decide/fix/seal sb's fate
6. 關心國家的前途和命運
be concerned about the future and destiny of the country