涉及的英文 涉及用英語怎麼說?
concern v.涉及;關於;使擔憂;使煩惱;使不安;關心;影響;關係到;從事;喜愛
involve v.包括;包含;牽涉;捲入;使…經歷;使…參與
relate to 涉及, 有關; 理解
常用 權威
1. 涉及面廣
be far-ranging
2. 涉及政治形勢
concern the political situation
3. 所涉及的問題
issues involved
1. 這裡涉及的不僅僅是單個物體。
And more is at stake here than individual objects.
2. 預測過程中涉及的潛在風險。
Anticipating potential risks involved in the process.
3. 這涉及到他們心理和身體能力的協調。
It involves the coordination of both their mental and physical abilities.
4. 它與所有涉及高科技的機器一同存在。
It accompanies all machinery involving high technology.
5. 另一個問題涉及
Another problem relates to the ease of accessing information.
6. 這將涉及到海外旅行。
It would involve traveling overseas.
7. 此外,斯考維爾的故事不僅僅涉及情報工作。
Furthermore, Scovell's story involved much more than just intelligence work.
8. 涉及當今人工智慧(AI)引發的一些擔憂。
Involves some concerns raised by AI today.
9. 這部分中的一些法律涉及到如何使用新技術。
Some of the laws in this part deal with how new technology is used.
10. 當涉及到工具的新穎性時,他根本沒有辨別。
He simply doesn't discriminate when it comes to the newness of tools.
涉及(英文:involve),讀音shè jí,漢語詞語,指的是關聯到;牽涉到。例句有“在涉及國家領土主權的問題上,我們的態度是鮮明的,毫不含糊的”。 相關句子有“凡涉及歷代文章得失及個人詩文得失者,均宜分類摘錄。”出自劉師培《蒐集文章志材料方法》,相關近義詞有涉足、波及、牽涉,反義詞有無關。
動詞 concern; involve; relate to; touch (up)on
1. 這篇論文涉及超導體問題。
The thesis touches on the subject of superconductors.
2. 這個問題涉及到你們每一個人。
The problem concerns you all.
3. 這涉及各個領域。
This involves every domain.
4. 遺傳工程涉及的學科和技術面都很廣。
Genetic engineering deals with a wide range of disciplines and technologies.
5. 他的研究涉及範圍極廣。
His researches covered a wide field.
6. 所涉及的問題
issues involved
7. 涉及政治形勢
concern the political situation
8. 涉及許多人的利益
affect/touch the interests of many people
9. 涉及很多問題
cover a wide range of issues