入睡的英文 入睡用英語怎麼說?
fall asleep 入睡, 睡著了
go to sleep (身體某部位)麻木, 發麻
常用 權威
1. 安然入睡
go to sleep peacefully
2. 哭著入睡
cry oneself to sleep
3. 低聲哼唱哄孩子入睡
croon a baby to sleep
1. 睡前不要喝咖啡,否則你很難入睡。
Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you won't fall asleep easily.
2. 不要用酒來讓你平靜或幫助你入睡。
Don't turn to wine to make you calm or help you sleep.
3. 我們很容易在一天結束的時候感到被誤解而入睡。
It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.
4. 葡萄酒可能會幫助你入睡,但它會讓你睡得更淺。
Wine may help you fall asleep, but it holds you in the lighter sleep.
5. 他們說,它可以在讓大腦平靜到足以入睡方面發揮重要作用。
They say it can play a big role in calming the brain enough to sleep.
6. 由於悶熱,我們下半夜無法入睡。
Because it was hot and stuffy, we couldn’t sleep after midnight.
7. 她太累了,一躺下就入睡了。
She immediately fell into sleep because she was tired.
8. 隔壁房間聒噪的說話聲使我不能入睡。
The noisy conversation next door kept me awake.
9. 昨晚噪音太大,我難以入睡。
I couldn’t sleep last night because of the noise.
10. 勞乏過度,反而不能入睡。
If you are too fatigued, you will not be able to go to sleep.
動詞 fall asleep; fall/sink into sleep; go to sleep
1. 她太累了,一躺下就入睡了。
She immediately fell into sleep because she was tired.
2. 昨晚噪音太大,我難以入睡。
I couldn't sleep last night because of the noise.