可用的英文 可用用英語怎麼說?
usable adj.可用的;能用的
available adj.可利用的;可獲得的;可供支配的;單身的;有空(做某事)的;獨身的
常用 權威
1. 可用性
availability; usability
2. 可用記憶體
available memory
3. 可用功率
available horsepower
4. 可用格式
available format
5. 可用域
usable area
6. 可用英鎊支付
be payable in sterling
1. 問題不一定是可用資金的數量。
The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding.
2. 也不是因為缺乏可用的資訊。
Nor is it for lack of available information.
3. 試用會共有八個可用空間。
There are eight spaces available for the taster session.
4. 政府正在為我們國家的每個人提供可用的疫苗。
The government is providing available vaccine (疫苗) for everyone in our country.
5. 然而,他們這樣做了,卻幾乎沒有阻止可用援助的流失。
They did so, though, while doing little to stop the erosion of available aid.
6. 沉船殘骸的位置可用聲吶探測。
The wreck of a sunken ship can be located by sonar.
7. 屋後有塊隙地可用來種菜。
There is a vacant plot behind the house available for growing vegetables.
8. 品脫是液量單位,也可用來計量海產食品,如蝦或河蚌。
Pint is a measure of liquids. It is also used to measure certain seafood, such as prawns or mussels.
9. 該俱樂部因無錢可用而陷於困境。
With no money to spend, the club are on skid row.
10. 濾光器在攝影中可用來減少霧霾。
Filters can be used in photography to reduce haze.
形詞 usable; available