輕輕的英文 輕輕用英語怎麼說?
soft adj.易彎曲的;柔軟的;柔和的;不刺眼的;心腸軟的;仁慈的;富於同情心的;不夠嚴厲的;不含酒精的;輕柔的
gentle adj.溫和的;和藹可親的;溫柔的;輕緩的;不厲害的;出身高貴的;品格高尚的;門第高的;謙恭有禮的;仁心俠膽的
常用 權威
1. 輕輕的敲門聲
light tap at the door
1. 她輕輕地把它撿起來,抱在懷裡。
She gently picked it up, and held it in her arms.
2. 莉莉讓兒子輕輕地關門,以免打擾別人。
Lily asked her son to close the door softly in order not to disturb others.
3. 他輕輕地拍了一下什麼東西。發動機立即重新啟動。
He tapped (敲打) something gently. The engine started back up at once.
4. 吉娜伸著長長的脖子,輕輕地把小獅子從樹上帶了下來。
Jina stretched her long neck up and gently brought the young lion down from the tree.
5. \寶貝,你的籃子太特別了。\媽媽說著,輕輕擦去我溫熱的眼淚。
\Honey, Your basket is extra-special, \ Mom said, gently wiping away my hot tears.
6. 終於有一天,我走出家門,讓一隻螞蟻爬到我的手上,輕輕地撫摸它。
Finally I went outside one day and let an ant move onto my hand and touched it gently.
7. 想不到他年紀輕輕的卻這麼世故。
It is beyond my expectations that such a young man should be so sophisticated.
8. 她輕輕地一抬手,把他打發走了。
With a slight lift of her hand, she dismissed him.
9. 她用手指輕輕觸控嬌嫩的花瓣。
She felt the delicate petals with gentle fingers.
10. 他坐在椅子上前後輕輕地搖動。
He sat in the rocking-chair, rocking himself gently backwards and forwards/back and forth.
《輕輕》是本兮作詞、作曲並演唱的國語流行歌曲,是微電影《反恐行動之大片兒》的主題曲,由極韻文化唱片公司發行於2014年4月4日,收錄於專輯《輕輕》中。 歌曲氣氛神秘,輕盈柔和,講述了一個小女孩希望自己成為MR.Right心中唯一的願望。這是繼媒體曝光本兮再演反恐行動微電影女一號後給玩家和歌迷送出的又一福利。
形詞 soft; gentle
1. 河水輕輕拍打著船舷。
The river lapped gently against the sides of the boat.
2. 風輕輕地吹著。
The wind was blowing gently/softly.
3. 用手帕輕輕拭淚
dab one's eyes with a handkerchief
4. 輕輕的敲門聲
light tap at the door
5. 輕輕的腳步聲
quiet/light/soft footsteps
6. 輕輕一推
give sb/sth a gentle push
7. 輕輕彈去菸灰
flick the ashes from the cigarette
8. 輕輕溜出房間
steal softly out of a room
9. 輕輕撫摸
stroke gently/softly
10. 輕輕按一下按鈕
give the button a slight press/push