簽證的英文 簽證用英語怎麼說?
visa n.簽證
常用 權威
1. 免簽證
dispense with a visa
2. 簽證處
visa office; visa-granting office
3. 簽證費
visa fee
4. 技術簽證
technical visa
5. 續簽簽證
get one's visa renewed
6. 互免簽證
mutually allow exemption of visas
7. 居留簽證
residence visa
8. 簽證申請表
visa application form
9. 依親簽證
dependent visa
10. 辦簽證
apply for a visa
11. 簽證問話
visa interview question
12. 過境簽證
transit visa;transit visa
13. 申根簽證
Schengen visa
14. 外交簽證
diplomatic visa
15. 公務簽證
service visa
16. 申請簽證
apply for a visa
17. 出境簽證
exit visa
18. 旅遊簽證
tourist visa
19. 吊銷簽證
cancel an issued visa
20. 團體簽證
group visa
1. 你應該獲得必要的簽證。
You should obtain the necessary visas.
2. 早點拿到護照和簽證。
Get your passport and visa early.
3. 農業僱主抱怨 H-2A 簽證的審批程式緩慢。
Agriculture employers complain about the H-2A visa for its slow granting procedures.
4. 該國大使館只辦理非移民簽證。
The Embassy only processes non-immigrant visas.
5. 簽證是由移民官員辦理的。
The granting of visas is at the discretion of the immigration officials.
6. 他們的簽證已期滿。
Their visas have run out/expired.
7. 他因簽證過期後滯留不歸而被捕。
He was arrested for overstaying his visa.
8. 他的簽證被登出了。
His visa had been cancelled.
9. 簽證30天內有效。
The visas are valid for thirty days.
10. 用途:僅用於張三出國簽證所用。
This certificate is used only for San Zhang's visa application.
動詞 grant a visa; visa
1. 給護照簽證
put a visa on a passport; have/get one's passport visaed
名詞 visa
1. 他們的簽證已期滿。
Their visas have run out/expired.
2. 永久工作簽證
permanent work visa
3. 一次有效出入境簽證
entry-exit visa valid for a single journey
4. 多次往返出入境簽證
multiple entry-exit visa
5. 團體簽證
group visa
6. 商務/外交/學生簽證
business/diplomatic/student visa
7. 技術簽證
technical visa
8. 過境簽證
transit visa
9. 個人/集體簽證
individual/collective visa
10. 出境/入境簽證
entry/exit visa
11. 延長簽證期
extend a visa
12. 居留時間超過簽證期
overstay one's visa
13. 持旅遊簽證入境
enter a country on a tourist visa
14. 續簽簽證
get one's visa renewed
15. 申請簽證
apply for a visa
16. 檢查/取消簽證
examine/cancel a visa
17. 獲得/取得簽證
obtain/get/receive a visa
18. 互免簽證
mutually allow exemption of visas
19. 拒發籤證
deny/refuse a visa (to sb); deny (sb) a visa
20. 發給/發放簽證
grant/issue a visa