講課的英文 講課用英語怎麼說?
teach v.教;教會;教書;講授;提倡;宣揚;訓導;當教師;誘導;使明白
lecture n.講座;講課;冗長、嚴肅的講話;訓詞
常用 權威
1. 臨床講課
clinical lecture
2. 謄寫講課筆記
transcribe lecture notes
3. 給學生講課
lecture to students
4. 用啟發的方式講課
teach with the elicitation method
1. 第一次登臺講課,難免會怯場。
It is natural to feel nervous when you give your first lecture.
2. 他講課態度非常自然。
He was quite at ease when he gave lectures.
3. 他的講課枯燥乏味,許多學生在課堂上昏昏欲睡。
His lectures were boring and many of his students would feel sleepy in class.
4. 他在伯明翰大學講課。
He was lecturing at the University of Birmingham.
5. 講課被取消了,好讓學生集中時間複習並準備期末考試。
Lectures were called off so students could cram for the semester finals.
6. 我曾聽過他講課,他總是不斷創新
I've heard him talk before but it's always interesting.
7. 代我向約翰致歉,沒去聽他講課.
Give my excuses to John for missing his lecture.
8. 他每天在課堂上認真聽老師講課。
He listens to the teacher carefully in class everyday.
9. 託尼停下來,認真去聽老師講課。
Tony stopped to listen to the teacher carefully.
10. 系主任在講課前講了幾句開場白.
The dean made a few introductory remarks before the lecture.
講課(英文:teach),讀音為jiǎng kè,漢語詞語,指的是講誦課讀,也指講授功課。例句有“王老師講課深入淺出,我們很容易理解”。 相關近義詞有教課、講座、授課。
動詞 teach; lecture; give a lesson/lecture
1. 給學生講課
lecture to students
2. 講三堂語文課
give three Chinese lessons
3. 講歷史/地理課
give lessons in history/geography