受教育的英文 受教育用英語怎麼說?
receive education 接受教育
常用 重點詞彙
1. 受教育的權利
right to education
1. 保障個人受教育的權利。
Safeguard individuals' rights to education.
2. 她無所畏懼,堅持幫助兒童和婦女獲得受教育的權利。
She is fearless and sticks to helping children and women get the right of being educated.
3. 在某些國家,受教育仍是一種特權。
In some countries, education remains a privilege.
4. 孩子受教育的權利是和父母讓孩子上學的義務相關聯的。
The child's right to education is a correlative of the parent's duty to send the child to school.
5. 根本原因是女性受教育程度提高。
The root cause is the spread of women’s higher education.
6. 據報道這個地區的受教育率很低.
It is reported that the literacy rate is very low in the rural areas.
7. 英國大多數兒童靠公費受教育.
Most children in Britain are educated at public expense.
8. 堂客也應該享有受教育的權利.
Women should also have access to education.
9. 後來,他喪失了繼續受教育的興趣。
He later lost interest in pursuing his education.
10. 我努力透過受教育找到更好的工作。
I set out to pursue an educational avenue that leads to a better job.
receive education