沒錢的英文 沒錢用英語怎麼說?
out of pocket 虧了本的
1. 沒錢了
have no more money
2. 有錢買馬,沒錢置鞍
one can afford to buy a horse but cannot afford the saddle―spend money extravagantly but grudge trifling expenses
3. 天下衙門朝南開,有理沒錢莫進來
all yamen s have their gates opening to the south, and all of them favour not justice but wealth
1. 有那麼多人處於更糟糕的狀態,幾乎沒錢買食物。
There are so many people in a much worse state, with barely any money to spend on food.
2. 我身邊沒錢。
I have no money with me.
3. 他們沒錢支付。
They lacked the wherewithal to pay.
4. 我沒錢,但吉姆可能有多餘的錢。
I can't spare any, but maybe Jim has some extra money.
5. 口袋裡沒錢,汽車旅館就別想了。
Since I had little money, a motel was out of the question.
6. 我手機沒錢了,得去給手機充值。
My mobile phone is out of credit,I have to top up it .
7. 我們沒錢了。我會去找事情做的。
And we're broke. I'll find something.
8. 由於兜裡沒錢,他失望地離開了。
With no money in his pocket he left with disappointment.
9. 我沒錢, 但我媽媽幫了我的忙.
I had no money, but my mum helped me out.
10. 因為我們沒錢吃東西也沒錢住店。
Cause we have no money for food and no money for a doss.
《沒錢》是劉雷填詞譜曲並演唱的歌曲,由北京龍樂世紀文化傳媒有限公司發行,收錄在專輯《四年半》中。 該歌曲可在QQ音樂、酷狗音樂和千千音樂等網站進行免費試聽和下載。