懷抱的英文 懷抱用英語怎麼說?
bosom n.胸部;懷;胸前;胸懷;內心;乳房;胸襟;溫暖的關懷和保護
ambition n.強烈慾望;野心;雄心;抱負;志向
aspiration n.願望;抱負;傳送氣音;吸引;抽吸
wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功
babyhood n.嬰兒; 嬰兒時代; 幼稚
embrace v.擁抱;懷抱;信奉;包括;包含;欣然接受
cherish v.愛護;珍愛;珍視;抱有;懷有
常用 權威
1. 別有懷抱
have other wishes
2. 懷抱遠大的理想
cherish lofty ideals
1. 懷抱希望是扭轉局面的關鍵。
Being hopeful is the key to turning things around.
2. 她懷抱一大堆書,艱難地爬樓梯。
She was climbing the stairs with difficulty, hugging a pile of books against her.
3. 他懷抱時落下了殘疾。
He was crippled during babyhood.
4. 一看見爺爺,小女孩一下子撲到他的懷抱裡。
Upon seeing her grandpa, the girl threw herself into his arms.
5. 布魯諾每晚都回到家庭溫暖的懷抱中。
Bruno went home each night to the bosom of his family.
6. 小鹿依偎在她的懷抱中。
The baby deer nestled in her arms.
7. 她在另一個女人的懷抱中發現了她的情人。
She discovered her lover in the arms of another woman.
8. 第一個從莫斯科的懷抱中掙脫出來的前蘇聯加盟共和國。
The first of the former Soviet republics to free itself from the embrace of Moscow.
9. 一直依戀著一個懷抱,一個肩膀。
Has been a embrace, a shoulder.
10. 波比在槍戰中死在安妮的懷抱裡。
Bobby died in the gunfight in the embrace of Anne.
懷抱(英文:embrace),讀音為huái bào,漢語詞語,指的是懷裡抱著;也指心裡懷著;還指胸前。例句有“香港和澳門終於回到了祖國的懷抱”。 相關詩句有“懷抱又空天默默,依前重作鄧攸身。”出自白居易《哭崔兒》。相關近義詞有胸懷、度量、胸襟。
名詞 bosom
1. 一看見爺爺,小女孩一下子撲到他的懷抱裡。
Upon seeing her grandpa, the girl threw herself into his arms.
2. 回到祖國的懷抱
return to the bosom of one's homeland
動詞 carry/hold in one's arms; embrace
1. 她懷抱一大堆書,艱難地爬樓梯。
She was climbing the stairs with difficulty, hugging a pile of books against her.
2. 懷抱孩子
nestle/hold/carry a baby in one's arms
動詞 cherish
1. 懷抱遠大的理想
cherish lofty ideals
名詞 ambition; aspiration; wish
1. 別有懷抱
have other wishes
名詞 babyhood
1. 他懷抱時落下了殘疾。
He was crippled during babyhood.