意願的英文 意願用英語怎麼說?
wish v.希望;但願;想要;祝願;盼望;許願;默默盼禱;企求;要求…做某事;祝(某人)(成功
will modal v.將;總是;終究;願意;能;經常;慣於;可能;大概;希望
desire n.渴望;慾望;願望;強烈的性慾
aspiration n.願望;抱負;傳送氣音;吸引;抽吸
inclination n.自然傾向;斜坡;傾度;傾角;斜角;愛好;興趣;磁傾;點頭;彎腰
readiness n.願意;樂意;準備就緒狀態;迅速;敏捷
常用 權威
1. 投資意願
investment inclination
2. 價格意願
price readiness
3. 轉達意願
convey sb's will
4. 反映意願
reflect the will (of sb)
5. 表達意願
express the wishes (of sb)
6. 群眾意願
the popular will
7. 民眾的意願
public wishes
8. 按照個人意願行事
act after one's own will
1. 它激發人們做出犧牲的意願。
It inspires willingness to make sacrifices.
2. 冒險的意願可能會激勵其他人變得更加勇敢。
The willingness to take risks may inspire others to be more courageous.
3. 它的投資意願。
Its willingness to make investments.
4. 這培養了他們將自己的努力和能力奉獻給工作的意願。
It fostered a willingness to dedicate their effort and ability to their work.
5. 該公司還允許人們租用一些攤位,根據自己的意願進行更換。
The company also allows people to rent(租)some booths to change them as they want to.
6. 在美國,時尚是合乎邏輯的並且對穿著它的女性的意願負責。
Fashion in America was logical and answerable to the will of the women who wore it.
7. 他們違抗父母的意願結婚了。
They got married against the wishes of their parents.
8. 她遵循父母的意願再嫁了。
She remarried as her parents wished.
9. 考慮到她家人的意願,此事未在報上披露。
Out of respect for the wishes of her family, the affair was not reported in the newspapers. / The affair was not released, out of consideration for her family.
10. 拯救所有的人是慈悲上帝的意願。
It was the will of a merciful God that all should be saved.
意願(拼音:yi yuàn),漢語詞語,通常指個人對事物所產生的看法或想法,並因此而產生的個人主觀性思維。出自《書情寄從弟邠州長史昭》。
名詞 wish; desire; aspiration
1. 主觀意願
subjective desire/wish
2. 投資意願
investment inclination
3. 民眾的意願
public wishes
4. 價格意願
price readiness
5. 尊重意願
pay respect to the wishes (of sb); respect sb's wishes
6. 轉達意願
convey sb's will
7. 服從意願
obey the will (of sb); submit oneself to sb's wishes
8. 反映意願
reflect the will (of sb)
9. 表達意願
express the wishes (of sb)