玩牌的英文 玩牌用英語怎麼說?
playing cards 打牌;玩牌
play cards 打牌;玩牌;玩紙牌
1. 玩牌老背運
be always unlucky at cards
1. 不敦樸妻子的傢伙玩牌也耍賴。
Guy who'd cheat on his wife would cheat at cards.
2. 每個玩牌者所必須出掉的牌數;
The number of cards dealt each player; the deal.
3. 他盡日玩牌喝酒, 不務正業.
He drinks and plays cards every day, and never attends to his proper duties.
4. 命運負責洗牌,玩牌的是自己。
Destiny is responsible for shuffle, play CARDS is myself.
5. “你會看到很多人在玩牌和放風箏”。
You would see people playing cards and flying kites.
6. 好,我們玩牌。你拿牌,我猜
Well , let ' s guess the card , i ' ll show you something
7. 回到公寓後, 他下定決心不再玩牌.
Back in the flat, he decided he would play no more.
8. 命運在洗牌,我們在玩牌!
Fate, we in the CARDS in cut-and-mix.
9. 我們玩牌時,有三次叫牌他都選擇不叫.
He passed like three times when we were playing poker.
10. 他們在玩牌。運動,比賽
Are playing a game of cards.