工作繁忙的英文 工作繁忙用英語怎麼說?
be busily engaged
常用 重點詞彙
1. 當工作繁忙起來,健身通常是我們先停下來。
When things get busy at work, our gym sessions are usually the first to go.
2. 由於工作繁忙,我們溝通的機會太少也太難得了。
Because the job is busy, our chances of communication too bad.
3. 因為兩人工作繁忙再加上年齡的問題,劉嘉玲未能如願懷孕。
Due to their busy work schedules and advancing age Carina has been unable to become pregnant.
4. 北村博士認為,工作繁忙所產生的壓力也是導致這種狀況的一大原因.
Kitamura partly blamed stress from busy working lives.
5. 專門為工作繁忙而將要結婚的新人量身定製“婚慶車隊服務”。
Specifically for busy people to be married tailored \Wedding Services team.\
6. 瑞士人工作繁忙,但是他們也知道如何享受空閒時間。
The Swiss work a lot, but they also know how to enjoy their time off.
7. 如果您工作繁忙,但不願放棄優雅生活,請加入億萬富豪精英圈。
If you are busy, but do not want to give up the elegant life, please join the tens of millions of the rich elite circle.
8. 我知道你們要受理世界各地的優秀人才的申請,工作繁忙。
While I know that you must be flooded with applications by high-caliber people around the world.
9. 在本計畫中我們針對的物件是竹南周遭工作繁忙生活壓力大之上班族(竹科、頭份等)。
Our target group in this project is the rank-and-file workers in the larger Jhunan area whose lives are extremely stressful due to massive workload and life at work in general.
10. 州長旅行途中來拜訪大師表示敬意:“工作繁忙令我沒有時間做長篇大論,您能幫我這樣的大忙人把宗
\Affairs of state leave me no time for lengthy dissertations\, he said. \Could you put the essence of religion into a paragraph or two for a busy man like me\?
work; operate; job; task; assignment
busy; bustling