

我們為什麼要怎麼走上文學研究的學術道路呢。有些人是想通過研讀過去的文學作品來磨練自己寫作功力,嚴歌苓薛憶溈都是這樣。大多數人研究文學是因為情感豐富(這點我認為很重要,否則學術生命力會受影響)又精於分析議論,擅長對文字提出與別人不同的觀點,擅長髮現文學語言和其它語言(法學語言,醫學語言等)的關係。 英文能力要過硬就不用說了。喜歡去圖書館和故紙堆做研究這項能力如今也是越來越重要,歷史知識和對歷史研究方法的掌握會讓你如虎添翼。




計劃陳述 statement of purpose

寫作範文 sample writing

成績單 transcript

推薦信letter of recommendation


選擇博士專案的種類: 英美文學、比較文學、文學(literature)專案


比較文學和文學專案兩者比較相像, 後者就是前者的改良版。 傳統意義上的比較文學一般是歐洲文學占主導地位,而literature 專案如此命名也是為了與歐洲中心主義區別開來。近二十年來比較文學將自身拓展為真正廣義的世界文學, 因而也催生了不少literature專案。不少學校同時有英語系和(比較)文學系。下面這個網址有一個比較文學和文學program的列表:

比較文學系一般會有語言上的要求(如果懂中文和英語也基本可以了,最好的比較文學系應該會要求更多),寫申請的時候對自己未來研究的計劃應該包含一點比較和跨國的內容。如果申請英美文學,可以一點不提跟自己文化背景相關的興趣 ,提的話也未必有很大優勢。我覺得比較折中的辦法是設立一個主要興趣範圍,基本跟中國無關, 但解釋一下中國背景對拓展這個領域內部的研究視野可能會有什麼幫助。比如說你想學的是維多利亞時期的小說, 那麼可以說你想探究帝國在這些小說中的呈現方式,而且你尤其對19世紀英國文學中的中國形象感興趣 (當然這個題目已經有人做了),並想與19世紀研究中的跨大西洋視角進行比較。

順便說一下,哥大沒有比較文學系,只有英文系(和其它國別語言系),外加一個 Institute of Comparative Society。 後者不單獨招收學生,博士生必須先被某個國別系錄取才能選他們的課,最後可以拿他們的 certificate.


Statement of purpose和writing sample 當然最重要,不過績點和GRE分也要儘量高,專業GRE最好考一下,這個分數並不是很重要,只要不是太差就可以了。比較文學專業一般不需要專業GRE成績,不少英美文學專案也不需要 。我讀博士的西北大學就不需要,我當時也沒考專業GRE。但是我現在覺得還是最好考一下,這樣可選擇學校的範圍廣。也可以先到美國讀個文學碩士,邊讀邊考專業。碩士申請和博士申請程式差不多,就是可能容易一些。

推薦信什麼的也不能輕慢,最好有美國教授幫你寫。你若(通過出國交流或國內活動)熟識美國某文學界牛人,很賞識你,而且在系裡可以說了算,當然最好。不過一般大系招博士生的程式比較民主。每年系裡會有一個研究生招生委員會(或類似這樣的東西),大家一起審閱申請材料,篩選出一小部分人以後有時候還會請系裡的其他老師共同參與,各自審閱自己領域內比較優秀的申請人,最後委員會開會,綜合了大家的意見來最終圈定一群給offer的人。[哥大經歷:這兩年申請總有好幾百人,最後發offer 也就是二十來人吧。不過也沒有那麼可怕,真正有實力的申請人也不比這個數目多。] 如果系比較小的話那由某個教授說了算的機率就大多了。

重點來了,一定要好好準備的statement of purpose!

Statement of purpose 結構和必須包含的內容:1)研究興趣和未來研究方向簡述;2)自己過去的學術寫作經歷(要與將來的計劃銜接緊密);3)所申請學校對自己有什麼特殊的吸引力。

順序也基本如此。如果自己的非學術經歷很出彩,又對學術有幫助 (比如你愛好音樂,而且有意向研究音樂和現代主義文學的關係)那麼可以找地方提一下。否則便不用多說。 sop最好做到開門見山(一開始就說清你的興趣和未來的計劃),因為它的目的不是講故事,而是用簡潔清晰比較優雅的語言來把自己興趣和資歷連綴起來。當然,你申請時說的設想可以在被錄取後改變。



I want to research the ways in which the human body has been brought into both crisis and coherence within visual, textual, and theoretical discourses since the Second World War. During the past sixty years, bodies and discourses alike have seen profound changes, being remade many times over to bear new practices and new forms of experience, particularly in relation to warfare and sexuality. I am interested in researching war literature, science fiction, and related visual and digital media, and the ways in which the bodies and narratives of war constitute one another. Simultaneously, I would like to read more broadly, examining modes of analysis and representation dealings with hybrid, virtual, and inorganic bodies and modalities—prosthetics, robotics, or conceptions of disability—as well as the interplay of technology and sexuality, especially how sexual identity and practice have been enfolded and altered by digital communications. My areas of interest include post-1960 visual and narrative form, critical theory, new media, theories of gender/sexuality, and cybernetics. However, I am also interested in theorizations and representations of bodies, machines, and spaces dating back to the late nineteenth century, and would like to pursue related inquiries into continental philosophy and psychoanalysis, object studies, Marxism, and even find de siècle writing on automata and robotis.

1)本科時候修的課 2)本科時期做的研究 3)具體談自己的本科論文 4)畢業之後一年的經歷 (並無太多亮點)

這裡3)最重要, 我把相關段落附在下面:
Together with my coursework, these projects formed the basis for my senior thesis. Entitled “XXX,” my thesis was build around a conversation between Achille Mbembe’s article “Necropolitics” and Elaine Scarry’s book The Body in Pain. The paper, upon which I base my writing sample, tended to the ways in which military occupations rewrite and rewire urban spaces, and examined the embeddedness of suicide bombing within this rewiring. Ultimately, my thesis fell into relief around questions of how bodies open to one another, how they can act as prosthetics for one another through acts of extreme violence. Sections of my thesis were published by two different undergraduate journals, one at XX University and one at YY University and it won XX’s ZZ Literary Prize, a college-wide award given once annually.

In graduate school, I want to continue exploring the place and function of the human body, both within the bounds of present-day military occupations, as well as in expanded form, across a range of textual and material practices. I feel strongly that English and Comparative Literature is the best place for me to pursue these interests, both for the department’s well-established strengths in gender/sexuality studies and critical theory, as well as for the research interests of its faculty. I am interested particularly in XX’s examinations of disability, sexuality, and aberrant “freak” bodies, as well as YY’s writing on war. If admitted, I hope to work under XX and YY, as well as to benefit from exposure to ZZ and AA, whose writings exemplify a degree of engagement with global political and economic realities I am committed to practicing in my own work.

當然咯,sop 不是八股文,你也可以穿插一點個人經歷的花絮,或調整必要因素的順序。我們繫有一個亞洲來的博士生,他的 sop 前半部分是說自己如何喜歡上african American literature的,先講經歷,再講對未來方向的設想也可以, 雖然個人覺得不如開門見山。

至於writing sample要怎樣, 我只能說最好是一個20頁左右的長文,與未來方向有一定關聯。 所以說想申請的人, 不論是本科生還是碩士生, 都要提前準備。
