
General 更新 2024年10月04日



  One day, the wind in the forest, it rained heavily, stupid Wolf thought of the birds on the tree, stupid Wolf with a small umbrella climbed up the tree, sitting on a tree trunk, floret umbrella on the bird's nest, the wind blew all night, under the heavy rain the whole night, stupid Wolf also sit on the tree stem the whole night.

  The next day, when the sun rises, the dew on the leaves dry, birds wake up, little bird said stupid Wolf: "why are you sitting here, but also play an umbrella?" Stupid Wolf said: "yesterday evening, the wind, under the heavy rain, I climbed to the tree to block rain for you."

  The bird laughed and said: "my house is not as you imagine so strong. Not letter, you go down to shake."

  Stupid Wolf shake, shake the trees have to stagger, but it worked a bird's nest hanging in a tree.

  A few days later, the bird tell stupid Wolf I want to be a mom. Stupid Wolf climbed the tree a look startled, said: "your children and you don't like!" The bird laughed said: "I haven't put them hatched! Wait to hatch them like me."

  Again a few days later, the bird had grown up and he is close to the autumn, the birds fly south for the, stupid Wolf didn't want to let the birds go, the bird said: "only in the south have green leaves and red fruit."

  The mother bird took the bird flew away.

  Stupid Wolf have remembered under the bed at this time to paint with brushes, take out on the wall painted a small tree, a tree covered in round green leaves and small sweet crabapple.

  Stupid Wolf took the bird's nest on the tree down, hanging on the wall.

  Stupid Wolf every day looking forward to the spring, the mother bird with the birds fly back to his home.












  The giraffe long is too high, it is difficult to make friends.

  On one occasion, the giraffe want to make friends with the small pig. Can ono pigs talk to a giraffe, always shout loudly, with his head back, the somebody else thought ono day pigs are talking to, ono speak pig is not normal.

  As a result, the giraffe with ono pig hasn't made a friend.

  The turtle long is too short, it is difficult to make friends.

  Once, to make friends with cattle brother turtle. Cattle brother talk to little turtle, always low head guru, the somebody else thought their cattle brother is talking to, all say it is old.

  As a result, the turtle with cattle brother didn't make into friends.

  One day, the giraffe walk on the road, suddenly was possessed by a cloud head, how to jilt couldn't open it.

  Giraffe ran, ran, suddenly, a kick the is on its way to climb the small tortoise, was immediately kicked the turtle to fly. In this way, a giraffe, and small tortoise met, they would like to become good friends. A so high, however, such a short, how do you get along? The turtle said: "I will think of a way to let you don't have to bend, also know my little turtle is just around the corner.

  The turtle in the body tied to a balloon, a balloon on the turtle's smiling face, the giraffe saw the balloon, as if saw a turtle.

  The giraffe so happy, it also said: "I also have a way to let you don't have to look up, also know that I am a giraffe is beside you." Giraffe hang a small bell on the foot, a walk, the bell will ring, the turtle can see the giraffe beside.

  This is a good solution. The giraffe and the turtle, this is how they became a one-to-one higher short of good friends.

  This story let the baby know high and short, At the same time let the baby consciousness to make a good friend is a not easy thing, is needs the joint efforts of both sides and accommodate each other.








  長頸鹿就跑起來,跑啊跑啊,突然,一腳踢著了正在路上爬的小烏龜,當即就把小烏龜給踢飛了起來。 就這樣,長頸鹿和小烏龜認識了,他們很想成為好朋友。可是,一個這麼高,一個這麼矮,怎麼相處呢?小烏龜說:“我會想個辦法,讓你不用低頭,也知道我小烏龜就在你身邊。


  長頸鹿好高興,它也說:“我也有個辦法,讓你不用抬頭,也知道我長頸鹿就在你的旁邊。“ 長頸鹿在腳上掛了一個小鈴鐺,一走路,鈴鐺就會響,小烏龜就能知道長頸鹿在旁邊。




  "The games start! Games held!" The news like plug wings spread in the forest.

  The little green frog said: "the games I have a swimming champion!" "My goal is to as when champion hurdler liu xiang." the little deer is excitedly. Other animals also talked about their goals.

  At this time, the panda angrily: "hum, this time the champion I full package. You can't grab with me!"

  Less than a day, boiling in the forest. The animals want to get a good ranking, so practice harder, only red pandas do nothing need to eat a snack there. The second day, the games began. The first is the panda and the little green frog swimming race. : "bang"! A gunshot, the race began. Small frog water, swimming quickly. But the panda also on shore to think: "if my foot cramps suddenly to do, I'm not going to be drowned?" Panda want to finish, such as the little green frog comes to an end early. Results panda gets a last.

  Go on with the game running. Panda and the small white rabbit race, this is the panda very tired, was no more than, it is a piece of "stumbling block" to fall off a fall. The small white rabbit, while the rushed up to it, the baby pandas left too far away. This time, the panda lost again. The following is it against floret deer hurdles, toss a softball game with black bear, and little monkey climbing trees... The red panda is lost.

  When the awards, held up the trophy, small frog triumphantly small monkey and the bear got medal has a big red flower... But only panda stood by and watched with a touch of envy as them. The elephant's uncle saw panda's mind: "failure is the only to success, as long as the efforts will do next time."



  這時,小熊貓氣憤地想:"哼,這一次的冠軍我全包了. 你們休想跟我搶!"

  不到一天,森林裡就沸騰了.動物們都希望自己拿個好的名次, 所以更加努力練習,只有小熊貓在那裡無所事事得吃著零食. 第二天,運動會開始了。 首先是小熊貓和小青蛙比賽游泳.:"砰"!一聲槍響,比賽開始了。小青蛙一下水,快速地向前遊.可是小熊貓還在岸上想:"要是我的腳突然抽筋了怎麼辦,我不就要被淹死了嗎?"等小熊貓想完,小青蛙早就到了終點.結果小熊貓拿了個倒數第一.







