接地氣的英文 接地氣用英語怎麼說?
have/keep both feet on the ground; be bound up with the masses/people; be accessible/approachable
常用 權威
1. 接地氣的態度
down-to-earth attitude
2. 接地氣的官員
accessible official
1. 他雖然身居要職,但依舊很接地氣。
Although holding an important post, he still maintains his style of common touch.
2. 文藝作品必須接地氣。
Literary and artistic works must be bound up with the masses.
3. 我想找個接地氣一點兒的。
I want a down to earth type of guy.
4. 感覺很搞笑,接地氣,也很時髦,我希望。
Feel good, relatable, and smart, I hope.
5. 夫妻兩個經常被評價為很接地氣而且很好相處。
The couple were said to be \very down to earth and easy to work with\.
6. 他的魅力和接地氣的建議讓他在中國企業家中享有神一般的地位。
His charisma and folksy advice have earned him cult-like status among the country's entrepreneurs.
7. 哦,天哪,可能是為了確保我寫的東西讓人感覺到真誠,接地氣並且真實存在的。
Oh boy, probably to just make sure that anything I'm writing feels honest and grounded and real.
8. 當陳詞濫調的搞笑被接地氣的真誠坦率取代,《初來乍到》便搖身成為一部迷人的幽默家庭喜劇。
Once the cliched gags of Fresh off the Boat are superceded by a grounded truthfulness, the series evolves into a humorously charming family sitcom.
9. 另外也有一些比較接地氣的照片,有些是在保齡球館裡,有些是在自動扶梯上,他幾乎記錄下了所有和女友在一起的行程。
There are also more down-to-earth shots, such as visiting a bowling alley and riding an escalator, as he keeps a visual record of all his adventures with his loved one.
動詞 have/keep both feet on the ground; be bound up with the masses/people; be accessible/approachable
1. 文藝作品必須接地氣。
Literary and artistic works must be bound up with the masses.
2. 他雖然身居要職,但依舊很接地氣。
Although holding an important post, he still maintains his style of common touch.
3. 接地氣的態度
down-to-earth attitude
4. 接地氣的官員
accessible official