快的英文 快用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12


fast adj.快速移動的;快的;偏快的;緊固的;牢的;緊的;快速的;過於熱乎的;刺激的;快速進行的

quick adj.快的;迅速的;急速的;匆匆的;理解得快的;反應快的;學得快的;聰明的;有才智的;短暫的

rapid adj.快的;迅速的;迅捷發生的;快速的

swift adj.迅速發生的;移動速度快的

quick-witted adj.穎悟的;機智的;機敏的

nimble adj.靈活的;敏捷的;敏銳的;機智的

clever adj.聰明的;伶俐的;健壯的;健康的;靈巧的;機敏的;熟練的;有才能的;明智的

ingenious adj.機靈的;有獨創性的;具創造力的;設計精巧的;巧妙的

keen adj.熱心的;熱切的;渴望的;熱情的;鋒利的;敏銳的;尖銳的;低廉的;有競爭力的;優秀的;卓越的;極好的

straightforward adj.簡單的;易做的;易懂的;誠實的;坦率的;坦誠的

forthright adj.直率的;直截了當的;徑直前進的

pleased adj.高興的;欣喜的;喜歡的;滿意的;開心的;樂意的;洋洋自得的;自滿的

happy adj.高興的;幸福的;幸運的;巧妙的;有點醉意的

gratified vt.使滿足;使滿意;使高興;(gratify的過去式)

hurry up 快點, 抓緊, 快點兒

make haste 趕忙;急著

soon adv.不久;很快;寧可;寧願;快;早

before long 很快, 不久

常用 權威



1. 顯效快

produce quick effect

2. 快進鍵

fast-forward key

3. 快倒鍵

rewind button

4. 心率快

tachycardia; accelerated heartbeat

5. 長得快

grow fast

6. 快乾漆

quick-drying paint;quick-drying paint

7. 快門鎖

shutter-release lock

8. 快車票

express ticket

9. 收效快

get quick returns

10. 走這般快

go this fast

11. 學東西快

learn quickly; quick at learning

12. 小丑快寄

clown express delivery

13. 快結束了

be drawing to an end

14. 說話語速快

speak quickly

15. 走這快

go this fast

16. 來得容易去得快

easy come, easy go; easily gained, easily lost

17. 把書快遞給某人

express a book to sb


1. 瞭解心理時間會讓生活過得更

Understanding psychological time makes life pass more quickly.

2. 他們搖尾巴的速度和他一樣

They wagged their tails as fast as his tail.

3. 這使天然酶能更更好地消解塑膠。

It made the natural enzyme's plastic-eating abilities work faster and better.

4. 至少我們現在終於以更的速度前進。

At least we are now finally moving forward at a faster pace.

5. 時尚產業忽視了可持續性。

The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.

6. 不容置疑的是,它的增長速度非常

What's indisputable is that it's growing very quickly.

7. 語法讓我很煩惱,甚至把我逼瘋了。

The grammar troubled me a lot and even drove me crazy.

8. 它比商用噴氣式飛機飛得

It flies faster than a commercial jet.

9. 他們計算的速度比我們

They can calculate at faster speed than we do.

10. 此外,他們洗衣服比我

Besides, they wash clothes faster than I do.


快(kuài),漢字。該字有速度快的意思,與“慢”相對,如:快車;也有趕緊、從速的意思,如:趕快;還有將、就要、接近的意思,如:天快亮了。 該字還可表示靈敏,如:眼明手快;也可表示銳利、鋒利,與“鈍”相對,如:刀子快;還可表示爽利、直截了當,如:爽快;同時還可表示高興舒服,如:快樂。




形詞 fast; quick; rapid; swift

1. 這個鐘快了。

The clock is fast.

2. 在兒童教育方面,中國比好多國家都快。

China has outpaced many countries in child education.

3. 新紀錄比舊的只快0.11秒。

The new record saved 0.11 second off the old one.

4. 我的表每天快兩分鐘。

My watch gains two minutes a day.

5. 學業進步很快

go ahead fast in one's studies; make rapid progress in one's studies

6. 學東西快

learn quickly; quick at learning

7. 說話快

speak/talk fast

8. 跑得快

be swift-footed; run fast

形詞 (of a car,a boat,etc)speedy;fast

1. 車子越開越快了。

The car is gaining speed.

2. 你的摩托車能跑多快?

How fast can your motorcycle go?

3. 開快車

drive fast; speed

副詞 hurry up; make haste

1. 快去趕火車,不然就晚了。

Hurry away/off to catch the train or you will miss it.

2. 快回去幹活!

Hurry back to your work!

3. 快請大夫來。

Go and fetch a doctor,and be quick about it.

4. 快進來,下雨了!

Hurry in. It is raining.

5. 快請進!

Come on in!

6. 快點,公共汽車馬上就開了!

Hurry up! The bus is leaving in a minute.

副詞 soon; before long

1. 越快越好。

The sooner, the better.

2. 我們很快就要出發了。

We shall start off very soon.

3. 我來這兒快十年了。

I've been here for nearly ten years.

4. 那位老人快90歲了。

The old man is near upon 90.

5. 天快亮了。

The day is breaking.

6. 天快黑了。

It's getting dark.

7. 快十點了。

It is going on for 10 o'clock. / It is coming up to 10 o'clock.

8. 火車快開了。

The train is about to leave.

9. 春節快到了。

The Spring Festival is drawing near.

10. 快半夜了。

It's going on (for) midnight.

11. 快死了

be on one's last breath

12. 快結束了

be drawing to an end

形詞 quick-witted; nimble; clever; ingenious

1. 她腦子快。

She has a quick/nimble mind. / She is quick-witted.

2. 手快

be swift-handed

3. 理解快

be quick in/on uptake

4. 反應快

have a swift response; be quick in response

形詞 (of knives, scissors, etc) sharp; keen

1. 這把斧子很快。

The axe is very sharp.

2. 快刀

sharp knife; knife with a keen/sharp edge

形詞 straightforward; forthright

形詞 pleased; happy; gratified

名詞 yamen runner

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