毛的英文 毛用英語怎麼說?
hair n.毛髮;汗毛;頭髮;一點兒;少量;毛;茸毛
feather n.羽毛;翎毛;叢毛;側枝
down adv.向下;在下面;由強到弱;由高到低;由響到輕;由好到壞;寫下;記下;初付;付現;順水;成死球
mildew n.黴;黴病
mould n.模子;模型;黴;黴菌;鬆軟沃土;型芯;模樣;框架;模製品
wool n.羊毛;羊毛狀的東西;毛線;絨線;絨毛;金屬(或礦)絲
little adj.小(巧)的;少的;低的;不重要的;小的;年幼的;小…;短的;稍微有一點兒的
fine adj.優質的;高品質的;纖細的;晴朗的;在三柱門後面的;好的;行的;健康的;壯觀的;令人滿意的;允許的
rough adj.不平滑的;粗糙的;不平整的;不平坦的;粗魯的;粗暴的;粗野的;粗俗的;未完成的;未加工的;粗製的;簡易的;基本的
gross adj.粗大的;臃腫的;肥胖的;毛的;總的;嚴重的;粗俗的;粗略的;大範圍的
semi-finished adj.半制的;半完工的;半精加工
careless adj.不小心的;粗心的;無憂無慮的;滿不在乎的;隨意的;草率的;敷衍的;不感興趣的;不做努力的
crude adj.天然的;未加工的;未提煉的;粗製的;簡陋的;粗俗的;粗魯的;粗鄙的;概約的
rash adj.魯莽的;輕率莽撞的;急躁的
angry adj.憤怒的;生氣的;怒吼的;狂暴的;紅腫發炎的
panicky adj.恐慌的;驚慌失措的
scared adj.害怕的;受驚的
depreciate v.貶值;跌價;貶低;輕視;降低…的價值
sink v.下沉;沉沒;下降;下落;下陷;逐漸下降;下跌;插入;嵌進;將(金錢;精力)投入;投資
常用 權威
1. 毛滌綸
2. 毛紡織品
woollen textiles
3. 毛線手套
hand-knitted gloves; woollen gloves
4. 一撮毛
a tuft of hair
5. 一色毛
pure wool
6. 羔羊毛
lamb's wool
7. 毛皮大衣
fur coat
8. 一根毛
a single hair
9. 毛髮病
trichopathy; trichosis
10. 毛校樣
foul proof
11. 馬海羔羊毛
kid mohair
12. 防蛀毛製品
mothproof wool products
13. 桃子上的毛
down of a peach
14. 狗咬狗,兩嘴毛
each (dog) gets a mouthful of fur in a dogfight—engage in a meaningless dispute/fight
1. 他用蒼蠅的毛發作畫筆來畫畫。
To paint his works, he uses the hair from a fly as a paintbrush.
2. 年輕的因紐特人的日常生活是穿毛皮大衣保暖。
The daily life of a young Inuit: Clothing a fur coat to keep warm.
3. 她的爪子和臉都被燻黑了,全身的毛都被燒焦了。
Her paws and face were blackened, and her fur was burned all over.
4. 我們厚厚的防水毛皮大衣讓我們在游泳後保持溫暖和乾燥。
Our thick and waterproof fur (防水毛皮) coat keeps us warm and dry after swimming.
5. 這件大衣裡面是毛,外面是布。
This coat is fur on the inside and cloth on the outside.
6. 這隻鴨去毛開膛後淨重2磅。
The duck dressed out at two pounds.
7. 這把牙刷連用幾次就掉毛了。
Hair began to come off the toothbrush after it was used several times.
8. 刷子的毛栽得不結實。
The bristles of the brush are not firmly set.
9. 這件毛皮大衣脫毛。
The fur coat sheds.
10. 她經常剃腿上的毛。
She often shaves her legs.
名詞 hair; feather; down
1. 長一身好毛
have a fine coat of hair
2. 桃子上的毛
down of a peach
3. 給羊剪毛
clip/shear a sheep; cut off the sheep's wool
名詞 (of a person) hair
1. 多毛的雙腿/胸脯
hairy legs/chest
2. 一撮毛
a tuft of hair
3. 一根毛
a single hair
形詞 little; fine
1. 毛賊
pilferer; sneak thief
名詞 mao , fractional unit of money in China [=1/10 yuan or 10 fen ]
1. 五毛錢
five mao
動詞 (of currency) be no longer worth its face value; depreciate; sink
1. 錢毛了。
The money has gone/sunk down in value.
名詞 mildew; mould
1. 這饅頭長毛了。
The bread has gone mouldy.
名詞 wool
形詞 rough
形詞 gross
形詞 rough; semi-finished
形詞 careless; crude; rash
形詞 angry
形詞 panicky; scared