公佈的英文 公佈用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



promulgate v.宣傳;散佈;傳播;頒佈;公佈

announce v.宣告;宣稱;廣播;通報(客人的)到達;通知(宴會)開始

issue n.問題;議題;爭論點;分配;分發;發行;結果;後果;流出;放出;發出;或 子女;後代;後嗣

publish v.出版;發行;向第三方傳佈;刊登;出版(某作者的)作品;公佈;頒佈;宣讀

常用 權威



1. 公佈名單

publish a name list

2. 公佈法令

promulgate a decree

3. 公佈黑名單

publish the blacklist (of)

4. 公佈政策

reveal a policy

5. 公佈考分

publish exam scores

6. 明文公佈

announce in written form

7. 先期公佈

publish in advance

8. 正式公佈

officially announce

9. 公佈年報

publish an annual report

10. 公佈失業人數

publish figures of the unemployed

11. 定期公佈賬目

publish the accounts regularly;publish the accounts regularly

12. 向群眾公佈

announce to the masses


1. 規定要求餐廳要在選單上公佈卡路里的含量。

Rule requires restaurant to post calorie counts right on the menu.

2. 克里斯汀公佈了一張涉嫌偷狗的男子的照片。

Kirsteen has now posted an image of a man suspected of stealing the dog.

3. 一份基因圖譜草圖在去年由一箇中國團隊公佈

A draft genome (基因圖譜) was published last year by a Chinese team.

4. 幸運女子將在網站上公佈,並在網上分享行程。

The lucky woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.

5. 科學家們於4月10日向世界公佈了黑洞的照片。

The scientists released the picture of a black hole to the world on April10.

6. 修復後,我們會為其拍攝數碼照片,並在網上公佈

After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online.

7. 他們引用了今年年初公佈的一項關於249組家長與孩子的研究。

They cited a study presented earlier this year of 249 pairs of parents and their children.

8. 到目前為止,已經有超過三家跨國公司在網上公佈了他們的商標變更。

So far, more than three global companies have posted their logo changes online.

9. 隊員名單將於不久張榜公佈

The names of the members of the team will be posted up soon.

10. 會議記錄輯要已在報上公佈

An abstract of the proceedings of the conference has been published in the newspaper.



公佈(promulgate),讀音gōng bù,漢語詞語,指的是(政府機關的法律、命令、文告,團體的通知事項)公開發布。例句:三好學生的名單公佈了,小明榜上無名。 相關例句有“君如察臣嬰之言,推君之盛德,公佈之於天下,則湯武可為也”,出自漢代劉向的《說苑·至公》。



動詞 promulgate; announce; issue; publish; make known/public

1. 這次的考試成績不予公佈。

The results of the examination won't be given out.

2. 結果要到明天才會公佈。

The results will not be made public until tomorrow.

3. 隊員名單將於不久張榜公佈。

The names of the members of the team will be posted up soon.

4. 公佈之日

date of promulgation/proclamation

5. 正式公佈

officially announce

6. 向群眾公佈

announce to the masses

7. 依法公佈

promulgate/proclaim according to law

8. 定期公佈賬目

publish the accounts regularly

9. 登報公佈

publish an announcement in a newspaper

10. 公佈於眾

make public (sth); make known to the public; announce (sth) to the public

11. 公佈政策

reveal a policy

12. 公佈失業人數

publish figures of the unemployed

13. 公佈年報

publish an annual report

14. 公佈名單

announce/publish a name list

15. 公佈名次

announce the winners in the order of their places

16. 公佈決議

promulgate/proclaim a resolution; make known a resolution

17. 公佈法令

promulgate a decree
