無關的英文 無關用英語怎麼說?
have nothing to do with 與…沒有聯絡;與…沒有打交道
have no concern with 與…無關
常用 權威
1. 無關大局
not affect the general situation; have no bearing on the overall situation; not matter much; insignificant; of little account/consequence
2. 無關宏旨
insignificant; minor; immaterial; not matter much; of no/little consequence/significance/account
3. 無關緊要
insignificant; immaterial; unimportant; inconsequential; of no/little importance/significance/consequence; not matter a farthing; make little difference
4. 無關痛癢
of no consequence; immaterial; innocuous; irrelevant; pointless; without any bite
5. 與本題無關
be extraneous to the subject
1. 情人節與我無關,因為我是單身狗。
Valentine's Day has nothing to do with me since I am a single dog.
2. 但情緒勞動與環境因素無關。
But emotional labor is not circumstantial.
3. 這並不是說聖貝納迪諾案的結果無關緊要。
That's not to say that the outcome of the San Bernardino case is insignificant.
4. 《加入俱樂部》一書中充斥著太多無關的細節。
Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail.
5. 學習與行動無關。
Learning has nothing to do with doing.
6. 它衡量的是無關緊要的事情,而忽略了重要的事情。
It measures things that do not matter and misses things that do.
7. 是的,我想,當我擔心無關緊要的事情時,我需要注意。
Yes, I need to note when I'm worrying about inconsequential things, I guess.
8. 接觸時尚,以及管理時尚的品牌,正變得越來越無關緊要。
Access to fashion, and the brands who police it, are becoming less and less relevant.
9. 這件事與我們無關,我們不干預。
It’s none of our business, and we will not get involved in it/and we will not interfere in it/and we will not tamper with it.
10. 這事與我無關,不要把我牽扯進去。
It’s nothing to do with me, so don’t try to involve me/to drag me in.
注音:wú guān 詞義:不涉及;沒有關係。
《無關》是大白演唱的歌曲,由遊作詞,趙小雨作曲,收錄於《陌陌音樂計劃 第2季》專輯中,於2017年11月1日發行。
動詞 have nothing to do with; have no concern with; be irrelevant
1. 這與他人無關。
This is of no concern to others.
2. 與你無關的事你就不要插手。
Don't poke your nose into anything that has nothing to do with you.
3. 此事跟我無關。
It has nothing to do with me. / The matter is none of my business. / It's no concern of mine.