試用的英文 試用用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



try out 嘗試

常用 權威



1. 試用版

pilot edition

2. 試用品

trial product

3. 試用本

edition put out to solicit comments; trial edition

4. 試用期

probationary/probation period

5. 早期試用

early stage trial

6. 試用教師

probationary teacher

7. 免費試用

free trial

8. 試用人員

person on probation; probationer

9. 試用訂貨

trial order

10. 試用商品

goods on trial

11. 試用汽車

try out a car

12. 試用標準

tentative standard

13. 試用各種藥物

try various medication


1. 試用會共有八個可用空間。

There are eight spaces available for the taster session.

2. 我們將在5月23日舉辦一個免費試用


We will be holding a free taster session on 23rd May.

3. 如果你想要這份工作,我準備試用你。

If you want the job, I’m prepared to give you a trial.

4. 我將試用你的兒子,看看他幹得怎麼樣。

I’ll give your boy a trial and see how he gets on.

5. 試用期為三個月。

The probation (period) lasts three months.

6. 全英國的老師都在試用這些教材。

Teachers all over the UK are trialling the materials.

7. 我們試用一臺新行動式電腦。

We road-tested a new laptop computer.

8. 在試用初期,部門經理將密切關注你的進展。

For an initial period of probation your line manager will closely monitor your progress.

9. 不管你選擇什麼系統,你必須適當地試用一下。

Whatever system you choose, you must run it in properly.

10. 我得到三年試用期,條件是我必須在招待所待滿一年。

I got three years' probation, on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year.



詞義:為嘗試或使用過。首次使用 試用



動詞 try out; be on probation

1. 我將試用你的兒子,看看他幹得怎麼樣。

I'll give your boy a trial and see how he gets on.

2. 如果你想要這份工作,我準備試用你。

If you want the job, I'm prepared to give you a trial.

3. 你試用過那種牙膏嗎?

Have you tried that toothpaste?

4. 早期試用

early stage trial

5. 試用人員

person on probation; probationer

6. 試用汽車

try out a car

7. 試用機器

give the machine a trial; try out the machine

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