中暑的英文 中暑用英語怎麼說?
heat stroke: suffer heatstroke; suffer sunstroke; have sunstroke; take sunstroke; be affected by the heat; be affected by sunstroke
常用 權威
1. 它一定是中暑了。
It must be a touch of the sun.
2. 由於天氣太熱,三個人中暑暈倒了。
The weather was so hot that three people fainted.
3. 他覺得不太好;也許是有點中暑。
He didn't feel quite right ; maybe he got sunstroke .
4. 如果懷疑中暑,立即致電醫生。
Call a physician if heatstroke is suspected.
5. 我因為穿著那套盔甲,中暑暈倒了。
I had passed out from heat exhaustion, wearing the armor.
6. 夏天到了, 防中暑很重要.
The summer is coming, prevention of heat stroke is very important.
7. 炙熱的高溫使有些人因中暑脫水而死亡.
In scorching heat, some people have died of sunstroke and dehydration.
8. 讓我想起自己唯一的上學時候的中暑經歷。
It remind me of the only experience about heatstroke when I was in school.
9. 這些試驗兔群表現出不同程度的中暑症狀。
In varying degrees these rabbits showed heliosis symptom.
10. 問一下醫生你的處方藥是否會增加中暑風險。
Ask your doctor whether your prescribed medications increase heatstroke risk.
中暑是在暑熱季節、高溫、高溼環境下,由於體溫調節中樞功能障礙、汗腺功能衰竭和水電解質丟失過多而引起的以中樞神經、心血管功能障礙為主要表現的急性疾病。 根據臨床表現,中暑可分為先兆中暑、輕症中暑、重症中暑。 其中重症中暑又分為熱痙攣、熱衰竭和熱射病。 熱射病是最嚴重的中暑型別。
《中暑》是一部由尼基塔·米哈爾科夫執導,Martinsh Kalita、Viktoriya Solovyeva、Kseniya Popovich等主演的劇情型別電影。於2014年10月3日在塞爾維亞共和國上映。 該片講述了忠於沙皇的最後一批士兵被集中到一個戰俘營等候莫斯科關於他們命運的最後審判的故事。 2015年,該片榮獲第18屆上海電影節金爵獎-最佳攝影獎。
動詞 suffer heatstroke; suffer sunstroke; have sunstroke; take sunstroke; be affected by the heat; be affected by sunstroke
1. 中暑而死
die of heatstroke/sunstroke/heliosis/siriasis