山芋的英文 山芋用英語怎麼說?
sweet potato n.白薯;甘薯;番薯;紅薯
常用 權威
1. 燙手山芋
hot potato—a troublesome issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with
1. 厄利垂亞也確實有點像燙手山芋。
Eritrea has always been a bit of a hot potato.
2. 這似乎是一個燙手的山芋粉絲之間的事。
This seems to be something of a hot potato among fans.
3. 如何解決這個問題,倒是一個燙手山芋.
How to solve the problem is a hot potato.
4. 以上內容麻煩高手翻譯一下,燙手山芋。
All above content bothers past master to translate the once , burning-hot sweet potato.
5. 扔掉這塊燙手山芋,以你最快的速度逃離它。
Drop it like it's hot, and run in the opposite direction as fast as you can.
6. 地區間的矛盾變成燙手山芋(矛盾無法解決)。
The spatial conflicts become too hot to handle .
7. 燒山芋和熱茶的香味,便一下子撲人你的鼻子.
Immediately your nose is filled with the aroma of hot tea and roast sweet potatoes.
8. 胡蘿蔔、山芋和黃椒中的胡蘿蔔素有抗癌的功效。
Carrots, sweet potatoes, and yellow bellpeppers are wonderful sources of carotenoids, which fight cancer。
9. 社會資本是“美味佳餚”還是“ 燙手的山芋”?。
Is social capital a delicious meal or a hot potato?
10. 因此,與處理其它任何燙手山芋一樣,稅收問題也須謹慎處理。
So the questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato.
紅薯(拉丁學名:Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)別名:甘儲、甘薯、朱薯等,旋花科番薯屬一年生草本植物。 紅薯地下部分具圓形、橢圓形或紡錘形的塊根。葉片形狀、顏色常因品種不同而異,通常為寬卵形,葉柄長短不一,花冠粉紅色、白色、淡紫色或紫色,鍾狀或漏斗狀,雄蕊及花柱內藏,蒴果卵形或扁圓形。紅薯中含有大量的澱粉。陽光的照射也會加速水分的流失和糖分的生成。原產南美洲及大、小安的列斯群島,現已廣泛栽培在全世界的熱帶、亞熱帶地區。
名詞 sweet potato