

For example,the translation of this sentence,

小明,however,despite of 他父母反對,deeply愛著小紅,who is 美麗漂亮可愛大方。

Step 1 找主幹,每個句子都只有一套主謂賓有沒有!!!!!!!你不能在一個句子裡面找到兩個主語兩個謂語兩個賓語有沒有!!!!!so,拿過來一個句子,先挑主幹,把主謂賓找出來就大概知道意思了。


Step2 確定其他部分的成分,however,放在主語謂語之間,可以拿到句首,它表示的是前後兩句的轉折,注意,前後兩句,所以在本句中,它的地位很低,放在句首翻譯成但是就ok了。Despite of 他父母的反對,插入語,deeply副詞作狀語,who is定語,前置即可。

Step3 把確定好的部分,塞進句子中,然後讀一讀你寫的中文,是不是大家能看懂的中文,再進行整理。這句話的翻譯就是但是,小明不顧他父母的反對,深愛著美麗漂亮可愛大方的小紅!

What I have discussed above 就是翻譯句子的流程,而當我們作閱讀中讀長句的時候,沒必要這麼細緻這麼複雜,因為沒有人要你英譯漢,託福閱讀考查的就是我們能否抓取文章信息的能力,700字的文章14道題,還有好幾個詞彙題,那麼分給文章的題只有大約十個,所以它不可能考的很細緻,有同學說那不是很多細節題麼,你仔細想想細節題一般也都存在於每段的中心論點裡面,在例子支持信息中也有,但是很少,所以我們要練就的是抓重點信息的能力。到每個句子中也是一樣的,抓出句子主幹即可,如果考了你再去看其他成分。什麼成分是我們可以在讀句子的時候忽視的呢,以下幾個


2.插入語,都說是插入語了,那些什麼to some degree之類的,本身就是可有可無的東西。



5.有關名詞的一些特殊結構的簡化下面的a全是名詞, 這些結構是我在金鑫老師那裡偷的藝,盜亦有道,我得給金鑫老師署名呵呵。

a1 a2 a3,挑一個讀就行了,

a1 of a2 of a3,a1是核心,a1後面的可以不看了

a1 or a2; a1 and a2, 讀一個就行

a such as b c d;such a as b,c,d.. such as本身就是舉例,舉例就是為了解釋說明,所以,bcd可以不看了,however,如果a你沒看懂,那麼bcd裡面挑一個你會的,它等價於a.有的同學說abcd我都不懂,那麼,再見!!!!!!!!!

More than,more than所要強調的是more之後的部分,不是than之後的,所以than之後的不讀!

還有幾個類似more than的,

In addition to ……,……

It is not just……,……

Rather than……,……


以上表示的都是否定意思,而不,儘管這類的,所以他們後跟著的部分可以不讀,只讀“,”逗號之後的,for example, it is not just小強愛著小紅,小明也愛小紅。這句要表達的就是小明愛小紅,之前關於小強的只是鋪墊。


再說一下and的用法,這個貌似給很多同學造成了困惑,遇到and+某某某的時候,找and前面與某某某相同詞性的詞,注意,詞性!!!!!!!!!!!!如果是介詞,找之前一樣的介詞。注意,一樣的介詞,on 找on ,of找of。

舉例 the result is a remarkable unbroken record of1 temperature and of2atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide.


And of2 atomspheric ,and後面是介詞of2,去前面找of1,of1前面是record,所以of2也是屬於record的的,那麼這句話就是the result is a remarkable unbroken record of1 temperature and record of2atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide.

As well as 等於and,讀句子的時候看著不順眼就把它換回and。




TYPE 1 細節題



1.According to the passage……,……?”

2.It is stated in paragraph X

3.It is indicated in paragraph X

4.It is mentioned in paragraph X


1 讀題,抓取關鍵字

2 用關鍵字回原文定位,找到定位句(不一定是一句,有可能是一兩句)。還有一個方法能幫助我們定位,題目的順序和文章的順序是一致的,所以前後題的位置可以幫助我們找定位句,但是這個在考試的時候作用不大,因為考試界面是每次只出現一道題。

3 讀明白那句話

4 回頭看選項,選出和那句話同意義的句子。

錯誤選項的特點:1原文中沒提到的 2與原文相反的 3定位句之外的。前兩種比較常見



Paragraph 1:In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s). Among the key factors behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of trade.

1. According to paragraph 1, what was true of Europe during the medieval period?

○ Agricultural productivity declined.

○ There was relatively little economic growth.

○ The general level of prosperity declined.

○ Foreign trade began to play an important role in the economy.

1先讀題,抓取關鍵詞,關鍵詞一定是名詞,為什麼?因為名詞可以作主賓語,形容詞,副詞起的永遠是修飾作用,但是是不是就不看了呢,也不是,我說的是把名詞當成關鍵點,可沒說只看它,定語或者狀語是幫助我們定位的。對於這道題,關鍵詞就是Europe,然後看一下後面的狀語,是在medieval period

2 用找到的關鍵詞找定位句,有同學說第一句,我說不準確,第一句的後半句,In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth是狀語,我前面說了,狀語快點看!

定位句就是Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period


4 信息我們已經拿到手了,回頭看選項吧,

A選項Agricultural productivity第一不在定位句中,第二第二句裡面人家也沒說decline

B 選項relatively little economic growth就是the relatively less prosperous的同意轉述,所以它是對的


C選項 還是原文沒有的,根本沒提過decline

D選項 看到Foreign trade就可以不往下看了,明顯的原文沒提到的!



Paragraph 2:Populations cannot grow unless the rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people. During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands). Dutch land reclamation in the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries provides the most spectacular example of the expansion of farmland: the Dutch reclaimed more than 36.000 acres from 1590 to 1615 alone.

3. According to paragraph 2, one effect of the desire to increase food production was that

○ land was cultivated in a different way

○ more farmers were needed

○ the rural economy was weakened

○ forests and wetlands were used for farming

解析:細節題,關鍵詞:effect,結果, increase food production.定位句:Populations cannot grow unless the rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people. During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands).

第一句說的是increase food production的原因,第二句才是effect。farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands).直接選D 。AB都是文章沒提的。C是與文章相反的,ruraleconomy並沒有weakened


無恥技巧1:帶程度副詞的,比如only well clearly往往都是錯的,這種選項往往很有迷惑性,因為它看似是同義轉述,實際確擴大或縮小了詞義(說的好抽象呵呵)

比如原文說,我打了他,選項:I hit him severely,這個選項一定是錯的,人家有沒說怎麼打的,又沒說經脈盡斷,你為什麼要主觀臆斷他狠狠的打了呢??!!這個不僅僅適用於細節題,還適用於推斷題,講推斷題的時候我給大家舉個例子。

無恥技巧2:類似於程度副詞,一般有more than或者比較級的都是錯的,原文沒有比較,你不能自己給人家比較,比如說她很美,選項是她比楊冪美,(楊冪是我最喜歡的女明星哈),那麼這個選項都是錯的。哪怕是對的,我也不會選,因為在我心中,楊冪是最美的呵呵!


For example:

Paragraph 9: The muscles of these fishes and the mechanism that maintains a warm body temperature are also highly efficient. A bluefin tuna in water of 7°C(45°F) can maintain a core temperature of over 25°C(77°F). This warm body temperature may help not only the muscles to work better, but also the brain and the eyes. The billfishes have gone one step further. They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.

10. According to paragraph 9, which of the following is true of bluefin tunas?

○Their eyes and brain are more efficient than those of any other fish.

○Their body temperature can change greatly depending on the water temperature.

○They can swim in waters that are much colder than their own bodies.

○They have special muscle tissue that warms their eyes and brain.


第一步先找關鍵詞,關鍵詞是bluefin tunas,這兩個詞不認識,沒關係,到現在我都不認識,直接換成BT就可以了,




A選項,就是我剛說完的無恥技巧2,more than是錯的,原文是說了eyes and brain,也給了很高的評價,說maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.但是卻沒有和其它生物比較,所以它是錯的。


C選項,無恥技巧3,數字的比較,7°的水和25°的體溫,就是in waters that are much colder than their own bodies.

D選項,我之前說的細節題選項的錯誤特徵裡面的第三種,比較有迷惑性的,原文有,但是不在定位句之內,關鍵詞是bluefin tunas,D選項說的是The billfishes,考點信息之外。


A differ from B,which(B的定語從句,說明B的特徵C)

或是unlike A,B怎麼怎麼有C的特徵,


Paragraph 4: With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion pictures became the ultimate form of mass consumption. Previously, large audiences had viewed spectacles at the theater, where vaudeville, popular dramas, musical and minstrel shows, classical plays, lectures, and slide-and-lantern shows had been presented to several hundred spectators at a time.But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program.

6. According to paragraph 4, how did the early movies differ from previous spectacles that were presented to large audiences?

○They were a more expensive form of entertainment.

○They were viewed by larger audiences.

○They were more educational.

○They did not require live entertainers.

第一步,還有找關鍵詞early movies和previous spectacles,你要注意了,early movies就是上面說的A,previous spectacles就是B,那麼尋找B的特徵就ok了。

第二步,找定位句吧,我說了無非兩種 一個differ from的 一個unlike的,很容易找到了But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program.

第三步,分析,But the movies(A) differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment(B),which(定語從句說出B的特徵)depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program.

Or後面的成分,我之前說過 a1ora2讀一個即可,所以,後面很長很鬧心的部分,不讀了!


選項A 原文沒提的

選項B 無恥技巧2 不能比較

選項C 還有原文沒提的

選項D did not require live entertainers.不就是沒有B的depended on either live performance的特徵麼

細節題的總結到此為止,技巧的東西要活學活用,自己先看看理解了,然後運用到做題中變成你自己的,做題的時候要不以對喜,不以錯悲,給你篇阿拉伯語的閱讀按照機率亂選你也能對三四個,所以,每道題都要認真反思,弄清楚出題思路和選項設置,這樣才能有提高!不然就陷入了the more you 作,the more you 錯的痛苦深淵!

Type2 Not/Except型

這類題與細節題關係比較緊密,它的正確選項有兩種,一種是未被原文提及的,一種是與原文相反的,我們review一下細節題錯誤選項特徵:1 原文中沒有的2與原文相反的3考點信息之外的。大家看到了,Not Except的題就是選擇細節題的錯誤選項的前兩類。所以說,它的本質還是細節題,你可以把它當成有三個正確選項的細節題來完成。

先說第一種:未被原文提及的,這類的選項一般都是名詞,而且正確的那三個在文中很集中,一般用逗號或是and連接。對於這類題,我建議大家先看一下選項,幫助我們定位,找到三個正確的,原文沒提及的那個就選出來了。For example,

In any vertebrate two chief parts of the nervous system may be distinguished.These are the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nevous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings. The term“autonomic nervous system”refers to the parts of the central and peripheral systems that supply and regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands

Question:all of the following are described as being controlled by the autonomic nervous system Except

A connective tissue

B cardiac muscle

C glandular activity

D smooth muscle

第一步,找題目中的關鍵詞controlled by the autonomic nervous system

第二步,找定位句,autonomic nervous system出現在最後一句,這句就是定位句

第三步,分析這個句子吧,regulate就是control的意思,它後面的the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands,就是B C D選項可能會有同學糾結C選項,glandular activity這就是我前面說過的and用法,glands是名詞,找前面相同詞性的詞,是muscle,activity of cardiac muscle,所以把那個句子填充完整就是regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, the activity of smooth muscle, and the activity of many glands,這樣這一道題就完成了。






3rather/other/without 後面的部分


Paragraph 9: The final major human cause of desertification is soil salinization resulting from over irrigation. Excess water from irrigation sinks down into the water table. If no drainage system exists, the water table rises, bringing dissolved salts to the surface. The water evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layer that prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil.

9. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as contributing to desertification EXCEPT

○Soil erosion

○Global warming

○Insufficient irrigation

○The raising of livestock

第一步:抓關鍵詞,contributing to desertification,contribution翻譯成原因就行了

第二步:找定位句,cause of desertification就是原因,所以第一句是定位句。

第三步:分析定位句,The final major human cause of desertification is soil salinization resulting from over irrigation ,over irrigation,看到這我們可以選了,C選項Insufficient irrigation,明顯的第二種形式,反義句。

Type 3推斷題

問題形式:question中帶有infer imply likely。

這類題個人感覺是難點,我自己也糾結了很長時間. 首先說一下這類題的出題思路吧,

第一種:最簡單的,相當於比較難的細節題,不是細節題那種直接通過同義轉述解題,而且稍稍繞一點,比如原文說two or three weeks,選項就是a few weeks. 原文說 some of……選項是not all.

第二種:不被明確表述的,原文是A>BB>C, 答案應該是A>C, 這類題容易錯選A>D,which is 自己主觀YY出的那個選項


選項1, A>E






Along with markets days, the institution of twice-yearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities.The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in Philadelphia.Linens and stockings from Germantown, for example,were popular items.

It can be infered that the author mentions“Linens and stockings”to show that they were items that

A retail merchants were not willing to sell

Bwere not available in the stores in Philadelphia

C were more popular in Germantown than in Philadelphia

D could easily be transported

第一步還是找關鍵詞,Linens and stockings

第二步找定位句,最後一句,.Linens and stockings from Germantown, for example,were popular items.

For example提到句首,這裡介紹一個重要原則:看到for example往前讀觀點信息。

我解釋一下,for example,例子是支持信息,支持前面的觀點,所以例子本身並不重要,它支持哪一個觀點?觀點是什麼?這些才是重要的,所以要往前讀找觀點信息。這個原則在修飾目的題中尤為重要。

回到我們這道題,往前讀,The fairsprovided a means of bringing handmade goodsfrom outlying places to would-be buyers in Philadelphia。



A retail merchants原文根本沒提排除

B 在P地是不可得到的,文章說在P地很流行,是與原文觀點相反的選項,那麼它也是錯的

Cmore than 我不知道你們現在是否有了感覺,排除有more than的選項


自習看看D,be transported,也是原文沒有的!


AD是原文沒提的,C是more than這些一定是錯的,那麼再看B,你是否可以把它理解成在P地本身是沒有的,是引進的而來的,所以可以說 not available呢?看看原文,L and S,是來自德國鄉村的,在P地很流行。所以說它本身在p地沒有是很合理的解釋。也就是我剛才所說,最難的題,A>E


TYPE 4修飾目的題

Question:帶有the author mentions, 作者提到某單詞或某句話的目的是什麼?那一部分會加深背景,標記上


First,提到的部分是例子,或者細節信息,通常有 For example, such as這些詞,在上一個題型中,我提到了,如果有舉例的話要往前讀,找到它支持的觀點。答案就是為了支持這個例子所支持的觀點。


問題:why does the author mentions 我每個月工資都給她?

答案:to support the idea that 我對她很好。
